Question regarding particle usage with きめる

I started going over the book I had already finished just to make sure I understood everything. One thing stood out to me and I’m not 100% on how to understand this.
The book states that the item I’m deciding uses を. The item I have selected uses に. It gives some example sentences, but honestly the way the book explains it seems the same to me.

これにきめました。 I get this. The に is pointing towards the “this”.
ドレスをきめたいです。 straight forward for me too. The dress is the thing being done by the verb.
どの車にきめましたか。 So why doesn’t this use を? In my head the car is still what my decision is based on.

  1. を is used for the category you are deciding — i.e. ドレスを決めたい is “I want to decide on a new dress” (you don’t have a specific one picked out yet)

    に is for the exact item you are deciding on. これ, or どの車.

    ドレスを決める vs. このドレスに決める

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