Planning to Move But…

Hi everyone. I’m planning to move to Japan (to study) next year April 2024. I have already paid my selection fee to the language school. I’m currently learning Nihonggo here in my country.

But right now… I’m having doubts if I should do it or not. I’m facing a life choice here and I would like your input.

I’m a 30 year-old female. I have a stable job here in my home country. I’ve been working for 10 years in banking industry. I’ve been dreaming to move to Japan since I visited the country 5 years ago. My plan is to study there for 2 years and then work there after hopefully as a caregiver (not related to my current job but caregiver is in demand right now in Japan). I have saved up money to cover my tuition + living expenses for the first year. For year 2 tuition, I will work part time while studying so I will be able to pay for it.

My questions:

* Should I do this once in a lifetime opportunity even though I will use up almost all of my life savings?
* Should I risk my job to move to another country?
* Am I too old to move?
* Should I just stay here in my country since I have a stable job and just visit Japan from time to time?

I’m not really sure what to do. I hope you don’t judge me. And thank you in advance.

Have a good day.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Planning to Move But…**

    Hi everyone. I’m planning to move to Japan (to study) next year April 2024. I have already paid my selection fee to the language school. I’m currently learning Nihonggo here in my country.

    But right now… I’m having doubts if I should do it or not. I’m facing a life choice here and I would like your input.

    I’m a 30 year-old female. I have a stable job here in my home country. I’ve been working for 10 years in banking industry. I’ve been dreaming to move to Japan since I visited the country 5 years ago. My plan is to study there for 2 years and then work there after hopefully as a caregiver (not related to my current job but caregiver is in demand right now in Japan). I have saved up money to cover my tuition + living expenses for the first year. For year 2 tuition, I will work part time while studying so I will be able to pay for it.

    My questions:

    * Should I do this once in a lifetime opportunity even though I will use up almost all of my life savings?
    * Should I risk my job to move to another country?
    * Am I too old to move?
    * Should I just stay here in my country since I have a stable job and just visit Japan from time to time?

    I’m not really sure what to do. I hope you don’t judge me. And thank you in advance.

    Have a good day.

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  2. To find or land a legit good job as a caregiver in Japan, you’ll need to go through tests, which are only available in Japanese. And ofc, just being good at reading and writing is not good enough, communication skill is important. So you will not only using all your saving, but you also need to be 110% committed to get to atleast N2, near N1 level Japanese.

    On the other hand, if your focus is not Tokyo, I am sure urban areas in Japan has a big problem with shortage of caregivers. So you might have better luck if you are open to other places of Japan.

  3. I’d be sceptical and say no. If you have a stable job, savings etc and since you’re a woman it is a not a great idea to spend all your savings to try and establish yourself in Japan.

    You’re not too old. But living in Japan and visiting japan are different experiences and I think it’s not worth trying to squeeze yourself into it and besides spending all your savings on that. It’s harder for women, that’s another important factor.

  4. I would say live your dreams and have no regrets, but make sure you actually have at least half a plan for the visa after you study the language.

    Note that I am younger though, so I don’t yet have a good grasp on what a “stable life” is.

    Do know that I have been looking for ways to move to Japan, too. Ways that would not make me regret my choice by the time I am 30. It is not easy. Tbh it is really hard. Your advantage is that you do have the money.

  5. It’s a hard choice and only you can make it. Most of your questions are highly personal and no one can really answer it for you. Your choice is financial stability and comfort vs a gamble about a very different life.

    Point of being too old is basically yea, 30 is considered old, but it’s not a big deal, just makes it harder to get going. Will you find a job with no experience at 32-33? Who knows. Maybe?

    What I can say is your savings might not be enough. Counting on paying for your second year by working part time… It’s a risk because wages are very low in Japan, especially regular part time jobs, and if you don’t have enough money for tuition + living expenses for 6 months iirc, by your visa renewal time, immigration will probably not renew your visa for a second year.

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