Pre-Departure Orientation and Farewell Reception

I’m a Sydney incoming JET and was wondering what usually happens that this function and is it is critical to attend? I understand that it is mandatory as stated in the JET Programme Application Guidelines but I am currently out of town and will returning the morning of the reception but am anxious that I could be delayed and what the repercussions are and if I would be missing a lot of information ?

Thanks in advance !

  1. This will vary by consulate, so please reach out to them for these questions about attending predeparture and receptions.

    With that said, this is generally where they give you specific instructions about what will happen the following day when you leave for Japan as well as returning your passports and visa. I was told that it was mandatory and must be attended. Again, reach out to your consulate/embassy for their policy on attendance.

  2. Just finished helped out at my local pre departure orientation. It was a presentations and chats with JET alumni to give advice on a variety of topics. Everything from teaching in the classroom to traveling around Japan. It was also a good way for the outgoing JETs to make friends before they leave.

    I will also be attending the farewell reception coming up. On this day they will receive their passports with visas back with a speech from the Consul General and more Alumni wishing them off. There will also be light snacks. JET is also a diplomatic mission so the reception is just a nice fancy party to celebrate the JETs. Neither are mandatory because this consulate covers a large geographic range and it’s difficult for everyone to commute. The reception is also being held on a weekday so some people have work.

  3. Just had the Melbourne pre-departure session last weekend. It was mandatory so as to submit visa paperwork, but if you talk with your consulate and have a valid reason you might be able to get out of it.
    We covered general preparation advice, including health care advice, received our flight details, and has a Q&A session with former JETs. Overall the information could have been an email, but it was also really good to network and meet others who’ll be coming~

  4. Contact the consulate. Despite the Melbourne consulate being okay information wise, the requirement for us was due to the fact we needed to hand in our visa application + passport during.

    I think this is done differently for Sydney, but there could be something required to be done during.

    TLDR: Reach out to your consulate.

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