Confirmation on Next Steps in Resignation

Good evening everyone, I am looking for anything that I missed in my resignation process at the moment.

I am currently working for a company that isn’t following a few things in the contract, so I applied for a job and got accepted.

Now I have already signed a contract with the new company, and have turned in a resignation notice. And from what I gather the next step would involve just rendering the remaining month and getting the following documents in the last week.

* Welfare Pension Insurance Card

* Withholding Slip
* Employment insurance card
* Pension book

After that, the only remaining thing would be to inform the Japan Immigration office later on within 14 days, when I start the new job. or Should I already inform them? (Did the 14 days already start when I signed the contract? or is it the starting date?)

And then concluding with the notification on my own’s country government.

I wanted to confirm with everyone, as this has been a stressful situation for the past weeks as the company’s boss has been meeting me almost every day, asking me many questions. Ranging from what will I do, to saying I should go home. Now, my answer has always been “Nothing is finalized yet”, but it has been draining and giving me a bit of anxiety confronting the barrage of questions.

In any case, I don’t want to make this a long post about the situation and more on the next few steps, is there anything you think I missed or I should do? Any tips are also welcome!

  1. Sorry not to be able to add info you asked for but my quick advice is to not tell current company any information about new company. Current company does not need to know any of this information.

  2. Few points

    1. Informing the Japan Immigration office can be done online anytime. The 14 days basically count from your last day at your previous office (because some people leave their jobs without a new one and still have to inform the immigration office).
    2. You need to return your health insurance card to your previous employer too, can be done on your last day
    3. Anything else you would need, should be a communication with HR.

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