Aquarist (aquarium hobby) group recommendations?

I’m looking to join a hobby aquarium and aquascaping community for tips (and sharing plants!) maybe in the Tokyo area, but outside Tokyo is OK. Anyone have any suggestions?

  1. Hello, I am a Aquarium owner in Tokyo and I am following because I have the same question. 😀

  2. Maybe asking an aquascaping store for pointers? Like that fancy store at tokyu Ginza, I’m sure they be able to share a few groups. Worst case you follow one of the clerks on instagram/Twitter to see what gathering they attend.

  3. I’d suggest the same as u/Stump007: go to, say, Pao Pao (Higashi Ginza or Shinjuku) or Aqua Forest Shinjuku and ask around.

    You can also try r/TokyoFishKeepers, which you’ll find is pretty much empty because I started it not five minutes before posting this.

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