Owner of 4chan,Hiroyuki Nishimura, incorrectly quote Utah State University study to claim that “22% of murders, and 1 in 22 rape victims were caused by their choice of clothing”.

Owner of 4chan,Hiroyuki Nishimura, incorrectly quote Utah State University study to claim that “22% of murders, and 1 in 22 rape victims were caused by their choice of clothing”.


  1. Translation of his post:

    > A Utah State University study found that 1 in 22 *(4.5%)* sexual victims were victimized by provocative clothing.
    By the way, 22% of homicides are caused by clothing.
    It is better to pay attention to the clothes in places where public order is bad.
    “There is absolutely no relationship between clothes and victims of sexual crimes” is a lie.

    This is against the DJ SODA’s claim that sexual assaults and the choice of clothing are not linked. It’s already getting 18,000 likes.

    Honestly this guy is doing nothing but harm, and the media literacy of the Japanese internet population is depressing.

  2. Who cares? This is also the most tenuous connection to Japan imaginable.

    “A Japanese man who runs a more or less English language website for racist nerds said something.”

  3. I already knew many Japanese dudes thought along the lines as this guy. I’m actually low-key grateful there is someone to show the world how people think

  4. For those of you not following along, this is in relation to DJ SODA getting her tits grabbed when she was high-fiving the crowd, but many people were saying it was her own fault for wearing skimpy clothing. She posted to X to say that skimpy clothes is no excuse, and the organisers of the festival are planning to take legal action against these Xitters, as well as the feel-coppers.

  5. Hiroyuki just made a follow-up tweet citing information from Japan’s National Research Institute of Police Science…



    > ・被害者が挑発的な服装をしていた 5.2%

    > ・一人で歩いている女性を選択 28.3%

    > 1人で外を歩かない、挑発的な格好をしないとかで、3人に1人は被害を避けられるようです。

    Meanwhile, his original tweet now has a “reader context note” pointing out its factual inaccuracy:

    > この情報は正しくありません。

    > 投稿者の「ひろゆき」氏が追加したリンクには(answers.google.com/answers/thread…):

    > 「ユタ州立大学性暴力・反暴力情報

    > – レイプ事件のうち、被害者側が挑発的な行動をとったのはわずか4.4%であった。殺人の場合、22%がそのような行為(単純に視線を送るなど)。

    > – レイプ犯のほとんどは、被害者の服装を覚えていない。

    > – 被害者の年齢は生後数日から90代までと幅広い」

    > と書いてあります。

    > 「性被害者の22人に1人(4.5%)は、挑発的な服装が被害の一因」「殺人だと22%は服装が原因」などとはどこにも書いてありません。誤読や誤訳がされています。

  6. Not only does the “evidence” he cited refute the very point he tried to make, but by using the “provocative clothing” argument, he’s essentially saying that all men are monsters with zero self-control who can’t help but assault any attractive woman that they lay eyes on. As a man to whom that description most certainly does *not* apply, I take extreme umbrage at his braindead prattling. Sounds like he’s just telling on himself and other shitty men like him.

  7. He’s a contrarian who gets himself in the news because of his hot takes. Makes 2chan and suddenly he’s a life guru in all fields. Really wished the youtube algo would stop flooding me with his clips whenever I look up anything in japanese.

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