‘Barbenheimer’ highlights U.S. ignorance of nuclear reality of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

‘Barbenheimer’ highlights U.S. ignorance of nuclear reality of Hiroshima and Nagasaki


  1. Average American being a selfish ignorant person isn’t new to the world though. Then again seeing the educational system, I can’t really blame the poor souls. Dozens of years of public educational system going to the flush and news media being so bad comparing them to shit would be an insult to the shit.

  2. Or, and hear me out, advertising agencies and marketing departments are total ass.

    Those based in the US, as well as Japan, could better serve humanity, but that’s not their job. It’s the opposite.

  3. Do we really need to rehash an almost 3-week old article? Has anything happened since this was originally posted here to add new ideas or nuance to the discourse? Or are we just starting pointless arguments to farm karma?

  4. I mean i thought it was funny when it was a online joke. There’s tons of 9/11, Nanking, Atom bomb and other atrocities that are made jokes out of and i can kind of tolerate it when it’s online because the internet is built around edgy humor. But when it’s an actual company doing it in the real world it becomes very distasteful because companies are expected to be more grounded to reality then online nobodies.

  5. You can read any thread in r/worldnews to see how most Americans think of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They will firmly hold their ground on how it was needed or justified. Which is okay, they can have their opinions but then to turn around and look down on you from their high horse and have the nerve to point fingers or criticize other countries on their human rights or history strikes a nerve with me.

  6. The western audience being uneducated and insensitive? Oh my, I’m shocked.

    This piece is sure to bring the conservative snowflakes out of the woods.

  7. Trust me, most able thinking Americans, all 7 of us, know how shitty the whole Barbenheimer shit is. But I will defend the Oppenheimer movie because it really is a good dramatic movie that does highlight the dangers and evil of nukes.

    Also please make better 9/11 memes. The shit I’ve seen is like pre-2016 memes.

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