Am I being offensive?

I have difficulty with this as an adopted person. My ancestry is half Japanese, but I have never had a cultural connection or genetic mirrors. When my son was a newborn he was so beautiful, but definitely had genetic differences than what I was accustomed to seeing growing up in an Ashkanazi/Polish family. I had once said my Japanese ancestors really came back through him as he had dark black hair, almond shaped eyes, and an olive complexion. I didn’t think I was fetishizing or being offensive as those are terms I’ve seen described when learning how to apply make up etc. I’ve been rethinking it, though. I certainly don’t want to be offensive, but being adopted I’ve never had a genetic mirror before so these traits are very precious to me. Having some genetic features from my Japanese ancestry makes me feel connected to my past life/family. Should I just drop the language all together or maybe save it for other adoptees who understand what it’s like being raised in a family where no one quite looks like you?

1 comment
  1. I don’t think you are being offensive at all. People tend to be too sensitive these days about race/ethnicity etc but that’s their problem. The way you described your son is absolutely fine, you are only describing his physical traits. Nothing wrong with that.

    If anyone tries to make you feel bad because you now have a genetic mirror and are able to better connect with your ancestry drop those people. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.

    All the best!

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