Japanese Hospital Food

Japanese food is pretty famous, right? For being…well, either you love it or hate it, add whatever adjective you want. I find most people love it, think it’s exotic, different, THE BEST food in the WORLD! Or they won’t even fathom the idea of eating raw fish, seaweed, or anything that’s still moving.

I live here, and I love the food. There aren’t many dishes I don’t like out here, and yes, it’s possible to find places with bad food. Have you ever had a terrible bowl of ramen? Well, I know places. It’s like going to a steakhouse in Texas that serves crappy steak, they exist.

But here is something we only hear about briefly, and hopefully it stays that way as we all want to be healthy. Hospital food. Sure, it’s a conversation short lived, (bad choice of words). Wherever and whatever the country, hospital food generally sucks, end of conversation, life goes on. Sometimes we even hear about the rare occasion of someone’s positive experience and review of their hospital visit, ooh…lucky you, and you didn’t die.

Well, here I am. In a Japanese hospital. Been here for 21 days and 22 nights, bored AF, making my first post here. Not knowing what the f4ck I’m doing, I’m just going to make this a daily log and conversation piece about…hospital food. I’ve got pics ya’ll!

Generally speaking there’s nothing new or special here, the food sucks, but sometimes, hopefully at least once a day, I get something decent tasting. But it’s Japan!! Everything is awesome and delicious! Well, let’s just see about that.

Starting off with a typical breakfast, should always be the best meal of the day IMO. Not when you can’t scrape the eggs off the plate without a garden spade. 😒

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