Will getting disability support negatively impact my residence status?

I live and work in Japan under the “Engineer, specialist in humanities/ international service” visa. Recently i was diagnosed with ADHD and since started receiving treatment from a mental clinic in Tokyo. Since the medication is kinda expensive even after being covered by insurance, the doctor I’m seeing suggested me to get on a disability support system called “Jiritsu Shien”, which would further reduce the cost of treatment. Now I’m kinda concerned if this will complicate my visa renewal (due in a few months) or permanent residance process should i choose to persue it( could be inaccurate, but i heard using certain tax exemption facilities might be a consideration while giving someone the status of permanent residance)

Does anyone have experience being covered by this support while also being able to renew their residence status/get PR without any issues?

  1. It shouldn’t. You can also get a disability booklet which will give you a tax discount, probably free K-car taxes and some discounts like cheaper cinema tickets.

  2. You would have to include it on a PR application. I say that because You can see part 15 on your application path you’d likely apply by (10 year residency): https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/procedures/zairyu_eijyu03.html that you need to include the “letter of understanding” (https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/001356523.pdf) within the “letter of understanding” it mentions that you must notify them should you start to receive welfare during your PR processing period. Which would logically denote that you have to include it within your application should you already be receiving welfare pre-Pr application.

    Now would it affect a PR application? Who knows… it’s really case by case.

    I don’t think you need to mention it on a normal work visa renew/change in status though.

  3. I have 自立支援 and it includes tax exemption status because I’m 2級 on the 障害者手帳. I applied for PR under the spousal route last year and got it.

    When I submitted my tax information, it gave a list of the past five (?) years, each year saying no issues.

  4. I’m in the same boat as you AP. Although i plan on pursuing naturalisation.
    I can see people have said they got PR even with the jiritsu shien, does anyone know if it hampers getting naturalised?

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