No stamp when leaving Haneda airport

Hi everyone,

I hope this is the right place to post this. I recently visited Japan. Upon entry in Haneda airport a temporary visitor stamp was put in my passport.

However, when leaving Haneda I used the electronic gate to scan my passport at immigration and so my passport was not stamped.

I looked on the MOFA website and it say that’s stamps are not provided unless requested. That’s fine, but I’m a just a bit worried because I was stamped when I arrived.

I’m just worried that immigration officers may think I overstayed due to not having my passport stamped.

Will it cause problems when I visit Japan in the future?

I know I’m probably being paranoid, please put my mind at rest.

Thank you

  1. >I’m just worried that immigration officers may think I overstayed due to not having my passport stamped.

    A stamp is merely a physical proof of a the digital record assigned to it. In this case you have entry stamp which is a physical way to prove immigration have you as “entered” on their system I.e not having a stamp is not required, or in practicality relevant.

    What is relevant is that immigration systems have you as entering, and immigration systems have you as exiting (within the time frame of your visa). Which they do.

    >Will it cause problems when I visit Japan in the future?

    No. On immigration’s systems you have not overstayed because as mentioned, they have you entering/exiting within the scope timeframe of your visa.

  2. As an aside – if you want stamps going forward, ask the person who takes your passport / etc after the gate. They’ll be happy to give you one.

    I get a set each time I leave and return, despite using the gates.

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