Formatting excel into a 10000 base system, not 1000?

Is there any built-in formatting option for excel to display numbers in 万円 units, not the western standard thousand, million, comma seperated figures? Yes, I know I can easily set a calculation in a seperate cell of “B1 = A1/10000″ but would be much more useful to have a Formatting>Number>”display in 一万 units”. My OS displays in English and want to keep this. What do Japanese offices do? Do J offices have excel display in thousands, millions…?

  1. Kind of hacky, but you can set a custom cell format on your cells divided by 10,000 by highlighting a cell and hitting Ctrl-1.

    For 万 you want `#,##0万`, as a format.
    For 億 divide by 100,000,000 and set `#,##0億` as another format.
    Make it `#,##0.0` if you want a little extra precision.

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