Hello, R/Japan. I am interested in learning about how different companies in Japan are addressing the issue of climate change and respecting the limits of our planet. I would like to know what kind of initiatives or policies your company is implementing.
About boundaries topic, you can read this if you want :
My place of work pays people for the gas that they use coming into work and charges people who come to work by bicycle a fee for using the bike shed.
We are almost 100% remote work, globally.
On the other hand, I see some big corporations tossing the term “[SDGs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_Development_Goals)” around occasionally on TV for promotional purposes, and there is sometimes related coverage by the news media [(example)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrV3TqDVpNk) [(example)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr24wU_zZPI)
Go ask China
search __name of company__ integrated report __year__ for company wide policies and what kind of “PR” they are doing
So far from what I know, companies are being chased to reduce emissions under the [“ontaiho”](https://ghg-santeikohyo.env.go.jp/) act asking companies to track their use. GRI and SASB reporting standards are also popular among larger corporations