Introducing Jotoba v2.0: Elevating Your Japanese Dictionary Experience!

Hey /r/japanese folks,

Approximately two years have passed since we initially released the first version of Jotoba, our multi language online Japanese dictionary.

After two years of further development, filled with countless new ideas and user feedback, we have just released **version 2.0**!

Jotoba offers a wide variety of handy features for looking up words, kanji and example sentences to help you learn and understand Japanese. Our new version improves on these features by providing a completely new frontend, new example sentences and even more handy features.

Check it out on: [](

  1. Nice! I like how there is some auto complete and there are options to choose from before you even hit the search button. I’ll save this to check out more in the future!

  2. Looks good! Hey… could you change the word “English” in the options to have a capital E?

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