Itinerary Logistics

Hi Everyone, I was looking for some help on picking the most logical itinerary for our upcoming Japan trip.

If you have any suggestions on order of activities or activities to add/take away I’d love to hear them as well! I am still in my beginning stages of planning so all suggestions are appreciated! 🙂

Note: We are a couple who likes to travel; we have been to nearly 20 countries and can’t wait to add Japan to the list! We don’t mind busy days and have a lot of stamina when we know we want to see as much as we can (aka most bang for your buck lol)

Arrival Day: KIK 9am. Spend the rest of the day in Osaka. No scheduled plans, just explore or have a meal and relax

Day 2: Head to Kyoto
Take an early train into Kyoto. Drop luggage at hotel. Go to Fushimi Inari.
From there go to Nishiki Market.
Explore Gion district and go to Kiyomizudera Temple after.

Day 3: Half day in Nara
Our only to do here would be Nara Park for the deers, so we could have a later start.
Back to Kyoto at night.

Day 4: Explore more of Kyoto,
Maybe Bamboo Forrest.

Day 5: Day Trip to Hiroshima
Bullet train from Kyoto to Hiroshima. Tram to Atomic Bomb Dome. Walk to Peace Museum.
Back to Kyoto.

Day 6: Head to Tokyo
Leave early, drop luggage at hotel.
Shibuya Crossing (close to hotel… maybe Shibuya Sky)
Meiji-jingu Shrine.
Tsukiji Fish Market.

Day 7: Tokyo
My fiancé really wants to go to Mario Karts so I’d leave this for today. And the rest of the day to just shop around.

Day 8: Depart Tokyo at 10:55 PM
Get to airport (HND) at 6:30/7pm so the morning can be used for eating our final foods/shopping.

Arrival Day: KIK 9am. Spend the rest of the day in Osaka. No scheduled plans, just explore or have a meal and relax

Day2: Half Day in Nara
Deer Park. Can be a late start if needed. Go back to Osaka at night.

Day 3: Day Trip to Kyoto.
Fushimi Inari.
Nishiki Market.
Explore Gion district
Kiyomizudera Temple
Back to Osaka

Day 4: Day Trip to Hiroshima

Day 5: Day trip to Kyoto (again) OR Head to Tokyo
I’d use this day to explore anything we may have missed in Kyoto the first day.
If we go to Tokyo, after checking into hotel I’d use the day for the Tsukiji Fish Market and shopping.

Day 6: Tokyo
(If not already in Tokyo from the day before.)
Check into hotel/drop luggage.
Shibuya Crossing/Shibuya Sky
Meiji-jingu Shrine.
Tsukiji Fish Market.

Day 7: Tokyo
Mario Karts

Day 8: Depart Tokyo at 10:55pm
Get to airport (HND) at 6:30/7pm so the morning can be used for eating our final foods/shopping.

Arrival Day: KIK 9am. Spend the rest of the day in Osaka. No scheduled plans, just explore or have a meal and relax

Day 2: Half day in Nara
Deer Park. Can be a late start if needed. Go back to Osaka at night.

Day 3: Day Trip to Hiroshima
Back to Osaka.

Day 4: Head to Kyoto.
Check into Ryokan.

Day 5: Explore Kyoto
Check out to Ryokan and into capsule hotel
(I know this kind of sounds crazy but my fiancé and I did want to experience this kind of accommodation. This seemed like the perfect time because Ryokans can get pricey!)
Bamboo Forrest- close to hotel
Fushimi Inari.
Nishiki Market.
Explore Gion district at night

Day 6: Head to Tokyo
Tsukiji Fish Market.

Day 7: Explore Tokyo
Morning- Shibuya Crossing/Shibuya Sky
Meiji-jingu Shrine.
Night- Mario Karts

Day 8: Depart Tokyo at 10:55pm
Get to airport (HND) at 6:30/7pm so the morning can be used for eating our final foods/shopping.

  1. >Day 7: Tokyo My fiancé really wants to go to Mario Karts so I’d leave this for today.

    I’ll jump in here and tell you what everyone else would have: don’t do this. It’s obnoxious, dangerous, annoying, disruptive, and the locals hate it.

  2. If you arrive 9am why not go straight to Kyoto that day? I would just stay in Kyoto until you are ready to go to Tokyo (option 1), unless you really like nightlife then staying in Osaka would be better (option 2).

  3. The Tokyo part seems fine except Mario Kart, echoing on the other commenters.

    The Kansai part seems a bit fragmented for all three options, like Nara in between days in Kyoto, or going to Hiroshima for a day trip. A smoother way to plan might be two days at Kyoto, move to Osaka and use it as hub for Nara/Hiroshima.

    Also, do know that after October 1st the 7 day JR national pass would raise price to 50000 yen, which hardly justify covering an itinerary like OP’s (roughly 40000 yen full fare).

  4. Seconding the other comment about the Mario karts. I live here and internally cringe when I see them on the streets

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