I want to study abroad in Tokyo but I’m scared

Spring 2024 I am planning to study abroad in Tokyo at Hosei university. I am concerned though because I am terrified of bugs. Not so much outside but In my room/house. I went to Tokyo this March and I barely saw any but I’m concerned I will be in my dorm and see large insects and have no one to help me. I am also concerned about making friends on campus since I am a foreigner who is black and is not skinny. I am mostly worried about insects lol please give me advice

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **I want to study abroad in Tokyo but I’m scared**

    Spring 2024 I am planning to study abroad in Tokyo at Hosei university. I am concerned though because I am terrified of bugs. Not so much outside but In my room/house. I went to Tokyo this March and I barely saw any but I’m concerned I will be in my dorm and see large insects and have no one to help me. I am also concerned about making friends on campus since I am a foreigner who is black and is not skinny. I am mostly worried about insects lol please give me advice

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  2. You should have insect screens in your doors/ windows so bugs inside your room shouldn’t be a problem. You will see them outside though, especially in summer.

  3. Avoid old places and anything on the first floor. This will reduce your encounters greatly. Taking care of your trash properly also helps. However, Japan in Summer is bug heaven, so you will see loads of bugs on the street, in bushes, parks etc. No way around that.

  4. Learn to accept and make friends with them, they were also born onto this planet and they serve many important roles. There’s even ally insects which will protect you from other bugs, like huntsman spiders vs cockroaches. Huntsmen just sit around, they’re not interested in you. And you’re alot bigger than all of them.

  5. hi! i’m moving to study at hosei for a year (staying in their dorms) in exactly a week. i can’t let you know about the bug situation yet, but i will say from what i’ve seen they look very well managed and i think all/most rooms are off the ground floor.

    i get your worries about making friends though – i am white, but as someone who isn’t skinny either that is one of my worries. i’ve been trying to reassure myself by telling myself it’s tokyo – there are a lot of foreigners and exchange students and all kinds of people (especially at hosei) so i’m just trying to be brave for the moment lol. of course our situations are different, but i hope that helps a little.

    please feel free to message me if you have any other questions, i can let you know what things are like once i’ve moved in!

    EDIT: hosei also does a buddy scheme for all incoming exchange students – not sure if that would be your exact situation, but it’s worth noting! i was automatically assigned two, so you’re pretty much guaranteed one friend minimum, and even if you don’t get along great they have to help you with questions and any problems you might have 🙂

  6. You should research the origins of fears and phobias. Japan is not a “buggy” place at all. Your fear has more to do with your own mortality. It’s rooted in decomposition. You might want to address that before you take on a big move.

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