Looking for participants for L2 Japanese study


Hi everyone!

I’m a former JET (Wakayama, 2013-2018), and now I’m a postgraduate here at the University of Oxford, who is researching about L2 Japanese vocabulary learning. I am currently trying to recruit Japanese second language learners for my study – \[CUREC Ethics Approval Reference Number EDUC\_C1A\_23\_181\]

I’m finding it quite difficult to find participants. So I am hoping that the JET community (past and present) here on Reddit might be able to help me out!?

I’m looking for Japanese speakers who are aged 18+ , with proficiency level between the N5 (beginner) to N2 (intermediate) level. As long as you are be able read (and type) hiragana, then I think you would be a fine to take part in this study. 📚 Please only take part if you are genuiely within this range, as taking part in the study consumes ‘tokens’ which are charged to my department.

In terms of the study itself, participants would have to complete an online experiment, learning new Japanese words. It should last around 40mins total. I understand that this is a long time, so I am offering a chance to win cash vouchers for anyone who completes the study 💴. If you think that you might fit this criteria, I would be extremely grateful if you could take part in this study! Thank you very much! 🙇.

注意 – \*You’ll need a laptop (not smartphone). Please skip the proficiency section, I can send instructions for how to do this part afterwards.

Link to study here ==>[https://research.sc/participant/login/dynamic/CE5579DD-0F5B-4F67-AE9F-3BC91FDFD054](https://research.sc/participant/login/dynamic/CE5579DD-0F5B-4F67-AE9F-3BC91FDFD054)

\*\*I will be closing applications to participate on the 30/6/2023, you are still welcome to participate, but I cannot guarantee that your data will be processed in time for use in the study\*\*

  1. I’ve done surveys for my graduate program that I’ve had a really hard time getting responses for, so I’d love to help! I don’t quite have an N5 level vocabulary, but I’m pretty close, and can read and write hiragana and katakana. Is this enough?

    Anyone else who sees this thread and is within the criteria, you should absolutely do it regardless of the time commitment. It’s really meaningful to researchers/students, and it can be such a challenge to get respondents!

  2. Hi! I could definitely participate, I studied Japanese in college, and in high school, but I’m not fluent, and probably around the N4 range comfortably.

  3. Hi, I’d be more than willing to participate. Im somewhere comfortably between N3 and N2 proficiency. Let me know if you are still seeking volunteers.

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