Can I deny the car for a driving position?

Hello, I was offered a driving position by Heart Corporation . I just wanted to ask if I can opt to not use the car to commute to the schools and if it’s necessary to use the car for driving position?

Please let me know.

  1. how are you going to get to work? Why would the school A: have a car? and B: let you use it?

  2. Japan has an excellent train system, however, there are tons of places that trains cannot reach. Most of Japan actually.

    Also, I feel like you are asking the wrong people. Ask your company, I suspect that they have a reason for offering you a company car.

  3. I assume Heart have it down as a driving position because whatever public transport is available in the area wont be enough for you to be able to make your assignments on time. It will probably entail at least two schools on most days and the schools will be quite far apart in an area where there are no trains and only an irregular bus service.

  4. Yes, it probably is necessary to get to your job sites. I’ve only had one job that offered a car because public transportation was inconvenient to get to the other job site on-time.

  5. Some work placements in rural areas are difficult to get to on public transportation. I (non-driving position) remembered being asked to sub for someone (driving position), the walk from the train station would have been 45minutes. The buses didn’t run until after work starts. The company told me to get a taxi from the train station.

  6. You could use alternate methods, depending on the situation, but you won’t know until you get there and see the actual distances. There is a reason that the position is listed as driving. Even if you can get to work without the car, a lot of the driving positions mean you will be far from other things like grocery stores too.

    Are afraid of driving or did you not get a license? It seems suspicious to push back this hard against a car.

  7. If it’s a kei car absolutely deny it. Anything less than 2L actually just deny. 👍

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