Anyone else lost weight since moving to Japan?

I was never terribly overweight, but had a few extra pounds since university. Happened to weigh myself yesterday and I’ve lost quite a bit, to the point I’m on the lower end of my ideal weight.

I assume this is due to living in the inaka, and cooking relatively healthy meals from scratch every night instead of ordering / picking up food from restaurants. Hasn’t hurt my wallet, either.

Anyone else noticed this? Is it different in Tokyo or another big city?

  1. My weight has fluctuated a lot here. I first gained a lot (probably due to suddenly eating more because of wanting to try everything, plus a lot more rice) and I’ve since lost twice that amount, so now I’m slimmer than when I first arrived.

    As long as I can fit into the “free size” of fashion brands, I’m not overly worried about my weight though. If you’ve lost too much, start checking out all the seasonal sweets and snacks at conbinis – you’ll gain it back.

  2. I wish. Since I’m driving everywhere, no time to work out, and just eating the usual meals I cook, I’ve gained a little weight and now have been unable to lose it even after making time to workout and changing up some of my meals :/ I want to lose some weight but nothing has changed.

  3. I gained few kgs.

    But it is more related to the lifestyle (full remote) than food (French and Japanese food, although being not very similar, are both very healthy).

  4. for me it was the opposite, when i lived in the city i was in good shape but since moving to the inaka i’ve put on 10-15kg or so. I also think age is a factor, after hitting 27 i just went downhill haha. My commute to work now is 40mins in a car but in the city i was walking to the bus stop, going up and down stairs at the train station, then walking to my workplace every day and that also helped me be in shape.

  5. I’ve got a slow metabolism. I initially lost weight, but gained it all back.

  6. I gained weight when I first started living here because I got off my physical fitness regimen for a while and my companionship entity liked to drink beer with me every evening after dinner. I finally got back on my physical fitness regimen after a while and cut back on the evening drinking and got back to where I like to be.

  7. A lot of people have the same experience. For some it’s due to dietary habits changing while for others it’s because of a shift from driving all the time to walking and taking trains everywhere. For some, the discovery of Tonkotsu ramen or karaage can make the process reversible, however 😁

  8. I did thanks to all the walking. But whatever weight I loss, I gained back several folds after getting marriage lol.

  9. One of my uncles runs an English school that hires endless numbers of gaijin teachers ^{revolving ^door ^of ^fresh ^meat}. His observation of the “lost weight” after moving to Japan phenomenon is:

    * Gaijin guys lose weight (more walking, less food)

    * Gaijin women gain weight (stress eating)

    * “Expat” men and women on The Package gain weight from corporate drinking parties

    * After two years, all gaijin go back to their norm

    * After marriage to a Japanese, gaijin men gain weight if their wife still likes them

  10. I gained weight initially due to hotel quarantine, then slowly went back to normal weight, then noticed some weight loss below that (about 3kg) earlier this year. One difference is I started eating a lot more sandwiches which ends up being less food overall. Still don’t exercise much so possibly losing muscle.

    One big difference for me is I am allergic to wheat, so I effectively can’t eat out and snack options are pretty limited. Of course this is still a problem in the US, it was much less of a problem. I miss MOD pizza and Burgerville shakes 😭.

  11. I have lost probably about 10 pounds (4 and a half kilo) since moving to Japan but I wouldn’t say it’s a positive change. I live in the inaka and have to commute to work by car so my daily exercise has decreased significantly than when I lived back in my home country (USA). Gym hours are also weird here and they have very limited equipment so I did not keep up my weightlifting routine. I don’t really like Japanese food so the weight loss is probably due to undereating, but I also feel that my diet has gotten significantly worse in terms of nutrition and balance than when I lived in the states.

  12. I gained a bunch of weight in Japan even though I commute by bicycle and don’t even own a car. I’m reasonably active – I’d say above average. I just love food.

  13. I have noticed that it’s way easier for me to gain and drop weight more rapidly than when I lived in my home country.

  14. I gained a lot when I first moved here and was going through terrible culture shock, learning the language and all of that stress. About 5 years ago, though, I started running, working a physically demanding job and generally being more active and the lbs. melted right off. I have never been so fit – and at first, quite slim – but have since put a few lbs. back on. Not enough to no longer fit into my “skinny clothes”, but enough for me to notice and sometimes obsess over on bad days. I can live with that, though, as long as I stay right here. 😉

  15. In the beginning I gained weight but that was because of all the partying I did at school. When I started working I lost like 10 kg. I’m not big on eating really so Got to a point where I was drinking beer to get the extra calories in.

    Don’t know if your struggling with keeping on weight but if you do, just buy one of those high dense calorie obentos at the supermarket.

  16. I lost 5 kilos in the first few years, then I got lazy + covid happened and gained like 15 or something 💀
    Now in the process of losing it again…

  17. I gained weight because of stress and my husband buys a lot of unhealthy stuff that I’d usually never keep in the house.

    Can you let me know some of your go to meals? We cook a lot so I’d love to add more healthy meal ideas.

  18. Also living rural. I was/am overweight but dropping the kilos over here. I put it down to a 20 minute drive to the nearest kombini, no 2 litre soft drinks and the heat making over eating harder.

  19. In my mid-thirties (M) and I lost a LOT of weight, so much that I had to check if there was something wrong with me, and no… it’s just JP lifestyle.

    I eat better (and less) here than when I was in my home country, and I also move here, because I actually go to the supermarket, get the train, use my bicycle…

    Then my kid was born… and one more round of losing weight. lol, it’s just free weight loss here. I was never overweight, but now I need to be careful not to be skinny. Taking care of kids is incredibly exhausting.

    Oh, 95% of what I eat is home-cooked with always a mix of vegetables and meat/fish, and I also work from home.

  20. I had the opposite experience. When I moved here I started driving more, using public transport less than my hometown (which is a reasonably big city vs my small countryside town with inconvenient public transport) and attending fewer events and things that have more walking or standing. I’m not eating significantly differently, but I’m getting older and I think I’m more sedentary. So I think it depends. I’ve known people who lost weight when they came here, but apparently I’m not one of them lol.

  21. lost weight since I was walking a lot. Then corona hit and gained it all back

    slowly losing it now

  22. I’ve the opposite problem. I’ve gained a ton of weight living in Japan due to differences in diet, including the sheer amount of rice, and a pretty sedentary lifestyle and work.

    I lose weight every time I go back Stateside.

  23. This kind of post seems to get rehashed every few months. Yes, it’s normal for many people to lose weight, at least short term, upon moving to Japan.

  24. Most related with your schedules I believe.

    Been through ups and downs in regard to my weight and it’s totally my own doings.

  25. Unfortunately famichicken-kun and strongzero-chan have led me in the opposite direction.

  26. Honestly, since moving to Japan, I have noticed quite a lot.

    Back home, I would have a lot of sugary drinks, and eating quite terribly. But since coming to Japan, I tend to drink a lot more water and tea. However, I tend to drink more alcohol it seems.

    Since I mainly drink water, tea, a lot of the calories that were hidden in the soda and what not is gone, and you kinda just lose weight by existing. Once you start to eat a bit more like the Japanese people and move around more, then you also lose more weight.

    Finally, I think because move to new places, they tend to feel like they can be a better version of themselves. And find it is a lot easier to lose weight. When you get out of your old habits, move more, and eat better, you tend to drop it all off.

    Just be sure to keep those new habits and life will be dope.

  27. It’s the opposite for me. I gained 10 kilos from when I arrived here four years ago. I walk a lot, but I somehow adopted an unhealthy diet. I’m on the track to go back to my normal previous weight because I don’t want to keep on buying new clothes.

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