I know it’s been a few days, but I really enjoyed Cobb/JONAH, the ‘hoss battle’ or ‘Kaiju v. Kaiju’ (in the words of Filthy Tom). This was my first exposure to JONAH, who was great, and Jeff Cobb continues feats of strength in this tourney that are out of this world: made the crowd gasp. Good stuff.

I know it’s been a few days, but I really enjoyed Cobb/JONAH, the ‘hoss battle’ or ‘Kaiju v. Kaiju’ (in the words of Filthy Tom). This was my first exposure to JONAH, who was great, and Jeff Cobb continues feats of strength in this tourney that are out of this world: made the crowd gasp. Good stuff.

  1. One of my favorite matches this G1! I love a good hoss battle.

    Cobb’s selling for Jonah and in his bout with Fale was top tier. I hope he gets a big singles run.

  2. I love how Cobb vs Okada set up the question, “Will the ring survive Cobb vs Jonah?”

    Answer: *…barely.*

  3. That was a great match indeed. It was exactly what we were all expecting from the A block: Two monsters hurling buildings at each other.

  4. this is what heavyweight wrestling can be. These two had me on the edge of my seat throughout their exchange

  5. Jonah wins the iwgp us title in October then drops it to cobb at wrestlekingdom

  6. Now I heard from this sub that JONAH was terrible but he’s had two very good matches in a row. His match with okada might be my favourite out of the Osaka double header. The ending sequence was as hot as nooj has been post pandemic as far as cheering.

    If you said he’s not good enough to be in the g1 you need to take the L. He’s getting huge (for clap crowd) reactions


    Thats not to say he will struggle to get much out of fale or archer but the okada and Cobb match was why he was brought in the g1. In an ideal world he’s the tournament big man over fale going forward. Cobb is beyond big man. He’s more like a shorter Brock Lesnar. Some of the things Cobb does blows my mind. The suplex on Jonah holy lol

  7. It was a great match. I audibly gasped when Cobb picked JONAH up the first time and just threw him. Insanity.

  8. IMO Jeff Cobb has been low key good to great this year. He’s really improved from his debut. Jonah is great too. Him and Tito have been really fun to to watch this tour.

  9. Cobb catching him off the top rope and it looks no more difficult than catching Bushi. Like wtf.

    This was an awesome exchange of meaty beef.

  10. I’ve always been a bigger fan of Jonah than others seem to be and I’m glad he’s got a big spot to shine.

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