Recommended Shoe Odor Remover?

As the title says. One of my shoes got drenched in a recent heavy rain and they reek! Preferably on Amazon.

  1. You could try hand washing then drying with a fan/hairdrier, but if you want an anti-stink shoe product, Gran’s Remedy does the trick (and is on amazon).

  2. Drying them out, putting it in a ziplock bag, and sticking them in the freezer for a couple of days will sometimes kill bacteria that is causing odors in footwear.

    I’ve found soaking footwear overnight with an enzyme based odor remover solution like [ReviveX Odor Eliminator]( (formerly called Mirazyme) very effective.

    Soaking in heavily diluted white vinegar and water, or bleach and water (1:60 or higher) solution can also help.

  3. What kind of shoes? There are shoe washing machines at most laundromats. Can’t do that for dress shoes but for sneakers or similar, should be possible.

  4. Daiso sells shoe odor absorbing packets. They are in the shoes accessories section. They are like tiny pillows you put in the shoes to absorb the smells. They improved my stinky sneaks immensely.

  5. Pour in a bunch of [baking soda](, and shake it around to distribute it around the shoes. Leave for a few days. Pour out and enjoy your non-stinky shoes.

    The baking soda neutralises the acidic PH of your left over sweat, as well as absorbing excess moisture, both of which the bacteria creating the odor thrive on.

    You can also pour some into some old socks to make “sachets”, and stuff them in there in between wearings.

    (The stuff I linked is for cleaning only – don’t use it for cooking…)

  6. This is what I like to use on wet shoes, snowboard boots, gym shoes, etc. It has not only a heat dryer function but ozone as well to kill smells.


  7. What kind of shoes are they? If they’re fabric throw them in the washing machine then let dry in the sun. If they’re leather or suede use dish soap to scrub them clean, rinse and let them dry

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