Need to see a hair doctor who knows English

Hello I came to Japan last year for job and I think something here doesn’t suit my body which is why I’m experiencing a lot of hair fall, need to see some hair doctor to get some treatments. I’m looking for some doctor who has experience dealing with male patterned baldness and has lots of proven results in hair recovery. I don’t understand or speak Japanese so , it will be very helpful to know if anyone can suggest me some doctor in and around tokyo. I have heard AGA clinic offers such services but it’s completely Japanese there. Please help kindly…

  1. Even the best hair doctors out there will tell you only one thing truly works, finasteride. Even after hair transplants, they will recommend most of their patients to go on finasteride.

    Minoxidil is a bandaid that doesn’t help the underlying problem that’s causing your baldness at all. The moment you stop it, you’re not going to be happy. There’s only two good things about minoxidil, you will see fast “results” to boost your ego, and apparently it has less side effects compared to finasteride.

    But to answer your question, just find a hair doctor or dermatologist with handy dandy google translate. I think even chatgpt can write you a good script too.

  2. Avoid Azabu Skin Clinic.

    Are you genetically predisposed to baldness? A lot of people complain about losing hair right after moving here, especially Caucasians and Black people. After my first year in Tokyo, I was panicked about going bald (really scary as 20s female) and saw that expensive, awful doctor in Azabu, but it stopped when I switched temporarily to a gentler shampoo (Big from Lush) and adjusted to the stresses of daily life. I still shed a lot when the seasons change and freak out a bit, but 12 years later my hair is still normal.

    Sorry if this doesn’t apply to your situation—I’ve just seen a lot of people scared about it. Hope you find answers!

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