Japan begins releasing Fukushima treated radioactive water into sea

Japan begins releasing Fukushima treated radioactive water into sea


  1. Doesn’t sea water stop radiation?

    Isn’t that why things like horseshoe crabs have lived so long, because they have been in sea water for all of the extinction radiation bursts from space?

  2. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/pacific-islands-divided-over-fukushima-water-release-says-cook-islands-pm-2023-08-23/

    Title: Pacific Islands divided over Fukushima water release, says Cook Islands PM

    Quote: Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown, chairman of the Pacific Islands bloc, said that **science supported Japan’s decision** to pump treated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea, but that the region may not agree on the “complex” issue.

  3. Bunch of weaboos working so fucking hard for the dai-fucking-nippon government here. Would you eat seafood that is contaminated by “safe” amount of radiation? Would you be welcoming to this decision by the Japanese government if you are a leader of a neighboring country? Whatever the amount of radioactive substances they are releasing, it is way “higher” than the natural state and no scientific studies have found what the long-term effect it will give to human body. Even the residents of Fukushima have thrown questions to their own government’s decision.

  4. I mean we pour litteral poison into water to make it drinkable. It should be fine based off that thought.

  5. Interestingly most of the dissenting comments in this thread are made by accounts that have barely posted anything before. 1-2 year old accounts that suddenly start posting.





    Can’t help but feel like there’s some astroturfing going on.

  6. Another example of humans continuing to destroy Earth and will never reverse the negative impacts of human existence and will hopefully end in mass extinction so Earth can heal herself.

  7. Those guys saying it’s ok, not a big deal. Easy for you to say cuz you live far away from Japan

  8. Japan releases 22 trillions of Tritium a year: Everyone loses their mind.

    Meanwhile China has been releasing hundred trillions of tritium every year and no one gives a damn.

    But don’t take my word for it. Here’s the source from China themselves:


    This is an official report from the Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant, which has been published on the website of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China.

    If you go to page 18, you will find Table 1.7-1, Requested Amount for Radioactive Emissions from Units 3 and 4 of Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant.

    The permitted annual limit for tritium emissions in liquid waste is 300 trillion Bq/a per year. They actually released 63 trillion becquerels per year. Which is 3 times higher than Fukushima. And please don’t forget this 63 trillion is only from Units 3 and 4 of one plant (which has 6 units). There are over 50 nuclear plants in China.

    Here’s a simple explanation of the table:

  9. If you’re going to do it, at least put a tube to the bottom of the sea so that it’s less likely to disperse into areas where humans consume the fish

  10. China seafood ban is them acting on Japanese microchip production technology ban… They are grasping at anything.

  11. should have done that years ago and nothing would have blown up more than it already was.

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