25-year-old Suspect Arrested on suspicion of Aiding Fraud by Selling “Love Manuals”



  1. The manual outlines the following My English may be wrong, so please imagine the context.

    Get to know your target man and make him feel comfortable talking with you. Choose a man who does not express a desire to have sex and has few friends. Create an “emergency” by suddenly cutting off contact with him after you have been in daily contact with him.

    After a few days, lie to him that you are behind on your rent or being searched by debt collectors. Have him voluntarily say, “I will help you.”

    Tell him specifically why you don’t have the money. Talk to him gradually, step by step, over several days. Even if he says he will give you money, it is important to say no only once at the beginning.

    Prepare a reason for refusing an alternative he might suggest, such as consulting a lawyer.

    When you receive the money from him, tell him what you did with it, how it helped you, how glad you are that he cared, and how guilty you feel for bothering him. Of course, you must lie about all these things. By providing aftercare to him, you can expect continued “support” from him.

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