U.S. envoy to eat fish in Fukushima, back release of nuke plant water

U.S. envoy to eat fish in Fukushima, back release of nuke plant water


  1. China is so concerned about this.
    I wonder what they’ve been dumping in the oceans for the last 100 years ?

  2. During the Obama Administration, the Japanese Government was told by the American officials to release the radioactive water into the ocean. Now the U.N. has also agreed recently

  3. I wish the government had invited the IAEA to set up some buoys that transmit radiation levels real time to a web page that anyone could view. And then also invite China and Korea to do the same in their waters. The outrage in China and Korea is ridiculous.

  4. I wish the government had invited the IAEA to set up some buoys that transmit radiation levels real time to a web page that anyone could view. And then also invite China and Korea to do the same in their waters. The outrage in China and Korea is ridiculous.

  5. Currently, the radiation values at the atomic bomb explosion centers in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are only 0.13usv/h and 0.10usv/h, respectively.But today, that value on the Fukushima coast has gradually increased from 0.3 to 0.7. And do you even know that within several years, the radiation caused by this emission will have a greater impact on the west coast of the United States than China and Japan? I have attached a paper link.[Research paper: Discharge of treated Fukushima nuclear accident contaminated water: macroscopic and microscopic simulations](https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwab209)

  6. I think most of the nuclides of concern are well below dump limits at this point. The only concerns left now would be if core materials had made its way into the coolant and hadn’t been properly sifted out.

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