Itinerary Check – 3 weeks, 2 architects and 1 toddler

Hi all, I have gotten a lot out of the posts and discussions on this sub and would really appreciate your comments on my itinerary.

My wife and I have travelled a lot but never before with a baby. Our daughter is 2 years old. Consequently we are trying to keep things somewhat relaxed and not expecting to be able to achieve everything on our itinerary. We are keeping moving hotels to a minimum.

We are both architects and love old buildings, crafts, and wandering through cities. We will be heading over there in a couple of weeks (mid September). Our daughter is not old enough to really appreciate ‘kid stuff’ so we are counting on the trip being stimulating/entertaining enough on its own!

In particular, I am wondering if anyone has any advice on:

* Attending the Danjiri Kishiwada festival in Osaka – I have heard conflicting advice whether its more or less crowded in the afternoon?
* Is it worth visiting Hikone on the way to Kyoto from Kanazawa?
* Any recommendations on where you can buy Toyo Steel toolboxes in Japan? And general Japanese hand tools?

**Day 1 Tokyo**
Arrive at Haneda in the evening. Head to hotel (Roppongi).

**Day 2 Tokyo**
We will acclimatise to the temperature change (will be coming from 5C) and spend the day in Roppongi. Explore neighbourhood and visit 21 21 Design Sight.

**Day 3 Tokyo**
Early morning breakfast at Tsukiji Outer fish market. First entry to Team Labs Planets. Spend the rest of the day wandering through Ginza to look at various modern buildings and shops. Potentially dinner at Shinbashi on the way home.

**Day 4 Tokyo**
Daikanyama. Spend the morning walking around the neighbourhood, having brunch somewhere and looking at shops. Visit Tsutaya Books and the Kyu-Asakura House. If I have energy, I will head out to the Tokyo Edo Open Air Museum by myself in the afternoon.

**Day 5 Tokyo**
Meji-jingu first thing. Then spend the rest of the day in Shibuya. We have a couple of spots to check out (eg Kiddy Land) but plan to wander otherwise. Shibuya Sky at Sunset.

**Day 6 Tokyo-Kanazawa**
Early morning Senso-ji. Breakfast at Hoppy St. Walk down river to Hokusai Museum. Then leave for Kanazawa around lunch on the Shinkansen from Ueno Station.
Arrive Kanazawa in mid arvo. Head to hotel and explore neighbourhood (Chaya).

**Day 7 Kanazawa**
Head to Samurai district and visit Omaya Shrine and Nomura-ke Residence. Lunch at Omicho market. Explore Chaya further.

**Day 8 Kanazawa**
Kenroku-en garden first thing. Omicho again for lunch. And then 21st Century Art Museum in afternoon.

**Day 9 Kanazawa-Kyoto**
Leave first thing. Potentially stop on way at Hikone? Not sure if it is worthwhile, given we are already checking out Himeji? Arrive in Kyoto and explore neighbourhood around hotel (Kawaramachi).

**Day 9 Kyoto**
Early start, explore Gion. The usual temples. Philosopher’s Path in the afternoon.

**Day 10 Kyoto**
Early start, head to Arashiyama first thing. Decide on what to see- bamboo & bridge. And then either Saga Toriimoto preserved street and Adashino temple beyond? Or monkey park. Depending on our daughter. Meander home.

**Day 11 Kyoto**
Inari first thing. Then, Kinkaku-Ji Golden Pavilion. We would love to visit Katsura Imperial Villa but children cannot go – one of us may go there alone as a result.

**Day 12 Kyoto-Osaka**
Head to monthly craft market at ChionJi temple. Check out architecture of Kyoto Station thoroughly. Lunch on train to Osaka, then explore neighbourhood (Dotonburi).

**Day 13 Osaka**
Consider boat ride? Check out shops and shrines on our list. Planning to go to the Kishiwada Danjiri Float festival after lunch, but not sure if there is a better time to do this?

**Day 14 Osaka (Nara)**
Day trip to Nara. Kofukuji, Yoshikien Garden. Lunch. Todaiji, deers. Shiga Naoya residence.

**Day 15 Osaka (Himeji)**
Day trip to Himeji. Planning on visiting castle and surrounds with no other plans yet…

**Day 16 Osaka-Tokyo**
Head to the Museum of Old Farmhouses first thing. Then lunch on Shinkansen to Tokyo. Staying near main station.

**Day 17 Tokyo (Minakami)**
Day trip to the small town of Minakami to visit an old friend who lives there now. Probably a relaxed day in nature.

**Day 18 Tokyo**
Unplanned day in Tokyo. I’m considering either more city (Shinjuku) or an “interesting” neighbourhood (Shimokitazawa?) Maybe best to see how we feel at this point?
I also want to buy some Japanese hand tools if possible. Head to our hotel at Haneda for early flight next day.

**Day 19**
Early morning flight back to SYD.

Thank you for reading this far – would love to hear your thoughts.


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  2. I’m surprised you think your two year old isn’t old enough to appreciate kid stuff! I have a two year old and have lived in Japan with her since she was 1 and I wouldn’t do this itinerary with her tbh.

    Whenever we travel we make sure to find a balance of some kid stuff and some just us stuff and that works well.

  3. On day 3 – how early are you planning to start at Tsukiji, considering you have a toddler, and also, make it to the first entry of team labs. I suspect the toddler may have their own agenda. Also, if day 3 is a Sunday or a Wednesday, the market will be closed.

    Day 9 – I prefer Gion in the evening / dusk time. Day 9 is a packed day and you plan to walk the philosophers path ? Again, how will the toddler handle. When you say the usual temple, if you are including kiyomizudera and that area, the day is just not feasible.

    Day 10 and 11 are all over the place. You need to plot Kyoto plans on a map and stick to areas. I would go to arashiyama and then the golden pavilion as they are in a similar part of city. As of now, you are spending more time travelling and hopping around.

    I would pair Fushimi Inari with Nara. The JR Nara line connects both, Fushimi Inari and Nara.

    Other things in Tokyo and area – kamakura and the great Buddha, Yokohama and China town, harajuku, edo museum (if it is open during your visit)

    Again, I question how you intend to navigate Fushimi Inari with a toddler ? You cant put the toddler in a stroller and climb up. It is just tons of stairs. Unless, you are going to walk the shrine grounds and not do the climb.

  4. That’s a very ambitious itinerary with a toddler! You should add in some playground time or other activities for your toddler. There are outdoor and indoor playgrounds and toddler friendly museums in Tokyo that we bookmarked for our upcoming trip (my toddler is 2 as well) because toddlers need some time to play. Tokyo is extremely overwhelming and busy so it might be sensory overload for them.

    For Day 18, you might be interested in the neighborhood of Yanaka. I haven’t been but planning to go because it has an old town ambiance. It has retained most of its old buildings so it looks very charming (from the pics I’ve seen). Shimokitazawa is nice too… more “hipster” area with lots of young people. We intend to go back on our upcoming trip because we liked the area a lot.

    Definitely recommend a toddler carrier for Kyoto. You’ll need it for Fushimi Inari. From my last trip there in 2019, it felt so crowded and hard to navigate and I didn’t even have a kid on that trip. It was way more crowded than my previous trip in 2010 and I’m pretty sure it’ll be even more crowded now that everyone is clamoring to travel again. Also most of the public transportation will be by bus so you’ll have to think of the logistics with a stroller.

  5. Regarding your potential visit to Hikone, it’s completely up to you. I’ll write down the pros and cons, so you can weigh.
    Personally, I’d skip it if I were you, given you have 2year old toddler with you.

    •Hikone is a beautiful historical city with one of five original castle still remaining in Japan towering down the city.
    Since you are architects, comparing Hikone castle to Himeji castle, where, from what you wrote, you will be visiting later, perhaps is a cool experience.

    To visit Hikone, you’d have to transfer once at Tsuruga station, whilst you’d not need such a inconvenience if you are going straight to Kyoto instead.
    This is because the express train connecting Osaka-Kyoto-Kanazawa, “Thunderbird”, runs on the west side of the Lake Biwa. Not on the east side of the Lake Biwa, where Hikone is located.

    Technically, It is still possible to visit Hakone on your way to Kyoto from Kanazawa though, by transferring to a different train that runs on the east side of the lake, which would take you to Hikone, and later to Kyoto. However with significantly more time and less comfort, since it would be a local rapid service, rather than a comfortable “Thunderbird” train.

    Hope it helps you decided your plan.

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