Hi! I’m a business administration student and I’m hoping to study abroad in Japan this spring through my uni. As of the moment, I’m deciding whether I should go to Akita International University (AIU) or Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) based on the selection from my school. I’m currently leaning towards AIU, but I’m kinda worried since I heard it was practically in the middle of nowhere. This is also why I started to consider TUFS, but I have some apprehensions with how different the subjects may be from my major. If anyone here has any experience with either universities, I’d really appreciate it if you could share it here!

Thanks in advance!!

  1. I studied at TUFS and it was really good. TUFS actually has a very high reputation and people will think you’re smart for studying there because it is really hard for Japanese students to pass the entrance exam. +Its under one hour from central Tokyo. I don’t know about AIU but depending on what your future plans are like staying longer or coming back to Japan in the future I would recommend TUFS. Hope this helps👍😉

  2. I studied abroad for a semester at AIU, so I’ll try to give you some pros and cons.

    So much beautiful nature in the area
    Very accessable professors
    Almost everyone lives on campus
    Lots of activities and events
    The library is amazing

    Public transportation to/from is very infrequent
    It is, in fact, in the middle of nowhere
    There isn’t really anywhere to buy necessities nearby

    The weather in winter is very cold with lots of snow

    All that being said, I don’t regret a single thing having gone there, I would absolutely do it over again. I don’t think I’d want to be there more then a year, though, given the cons (and, for me, the cold is a con). I’m also not a huge fan of Tokyo.

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