Change Room in the same Sharehouse: what to do with the address?

Hi everyone!

I’m feeling a bit down right now: the manager of my sharehouse (in which I live from the end of June) offered me to move in another room since in mine the air conditioner cannot be repaired and it will be difficult for me to live without an air conditioner for the rest of the summer and the coming winter months.
He offered me to move in another room, but I’d really like to not to.

I’m asking myself: so they are not going to replace the broken air conditioner like forever? Because, even if they took a month or two, I could bear it, they gave me a fan, so for the rest of the summer I can resist.

Also, the main thing that bothers me (besides the fact that I really like my current room, its position and everything) is what I need then to do with my address. Do I really need to change it just for the room number? So the Zairyuu Card, che Health Insurance Card, the My Number Card and so on? At least can I do all those things at the municipal office? I pratically just got them (I went to register my address at the beginning of July and I got the My Number Card this week), this is really bothering…

I’m so upset right now… I’m going to answer the manager that if they are going to change the air conditioner, even in 1-2 months, is ok for me, because if I think that changing my (beloved T-T) room means that I need to do again all the procedures at the municipal office I wanna cry… 🙁

Can you tell me if I’m just getting crazy over nothing? I feel like I’m overreacting, but I just got the mail from the manager and for now I’m so so sad and bothered…

  1. If your gaijin card says x-x-x room number, and you move to a different room then you need to update the address. Kinda obvious.

    They will just write the new address on the back, will take all bout 30 min assuming it’s not gonna be crowded.

  2. Each room in a sharehouse is generally it’s own address, so yes you absolutely need to update that at the office. Is your health insurance national? It can be all done together if so and they’ll re-issue a new card at the same time you update your address. It’s a bit of a pain but not worse than living without AC for the rest of summer.

  3. This time of year the air conditioner repairmen are very busy. It is understandable if it hard to get the repairs quickly.

    Ask to move temporarily to the new room until the air conditioner is repaired. Keep most of your belongings in the original room, and keep your current mailbox, and address. A good manager will allow the emergency room change.

  4. Just changed my room to a different one in the same building. Whole thing took me 20 minutes at the ward office. The commute was longer than the actual procedure. It seems daunting but if the move makes your life better this is an insignificant little thing in comparison. I was annoyed by it too before I actually went and did it. Not something to sweat over.

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