>Regarding the surnames of married couples, 61.0% of respondents agreed that they “do not have to have the same surname, they can have different surnames,” while 75.6% agreed that “same-sex marriage should be legally recognized.” On the 22nd, it was found that the national household trend survey by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has reached.
Also wanted to highlight that in pew surveys, only 24% in Japan are opposed to same sex marriage, which is a similar level as UK and Australia. This means there is 10% more support/less opposition than in the U.S. ([source](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/06/13/how-people-in-24-countries-view-same-sex-marriage/)).
On the other hand, the government poll finds no government official supports anything.
I guess it’ll be a while longer until it’s politicized. Right now people support it but not care enough for it to be about votes
And this will have zero affect on policy decisions
I would happily bet that they have same sex marriage before they have separate surname marriage.
Ah, progress.