Itinerary check – 27 days

Heading to Japan Sept 13-Oct 11 (arriving in Tokyo Sept 14, flying from Tokyo Oct 11). So far my itinerary is a rough, and I’m looking for advice on how to stitch it together.

**Days 1-8 (Sept 14-21): Tokyo**

-Have a smattering of things to do here, the plan is to roughly visit one neighborhood a day (based near Ueno station)

-Is Disney worth the visit?

**Days 8-10 (Sept 21-23): Mt Fuji area**

-Current plan is to stop off in Fuji Five Lakes Area, or Hakone in an onsen ryokan

-Open to skipping this in favour of visiting an onsen ryokan later

**Days 10-15 (Sept 23-28): Kyoto**

-Shrines, shrines, and more shrines. Taking in the beauty of the city and Japanese history and culture.

-Plan to stay in a machiya, if possible for the whole time there

-Includes a day trip to Nara

**Days 15-18 (Sept 23-Oct 1): Osaka**

-Not exactly sure yet what to do here other than eat and drink, but obviously the city is full of amazing things to do. Should I spend an extra day or so here?

**Days 18-19 (Oct 1-2): Kobe and Kurashiki**

-Plan to stop in Kobe before heading toward Kurashiki, “the Venice of Japan”. Is this ok? Or is Kobe better done as a day trip from Osaka?

**Days 19-21 (Oct 2-4): Hiroshima**

-Take in the sights, sounds, and flavours of this city and the inland sea

***Here is where I am a bit lost:*** I am not sure where to go from here. I considered going to Matsuyama for a day but it seems like a bit of a pain. Seems like there is a lot of great things to do in Kyushu, but I might want to make this a separate trip.

The current idea is to head back from Hiroshima and travel north through the mountains above Mt. Fuji:

**Days 21-22 (Oct 4-5): Gifu**

-Depending how long this takes or how convenient it is, may do something else. Don’t know much about Gifu but it looks nice.

**Days 22-23 (Oct 5-6): Kanazawa**

-Enjoy the sights and street food.

**Days 23-24 (Oct 6-7): Kurobe Gorge**

-Not sure about feasibility/logistics about this one so let me know. The open-air train looks breathtaking.

-Can/should I stay in the gorge area in a ryokan? Are there onsen here?

**Days 24-26 (Oct 7-9): Nagano area (unsure about this)**

-Snow monkey park

-Nice onsens here?

**Days 26-28 (Oct 9-11): Tokyo**

-Finish up on some last minute shopping/sightseeing and fly home.

Alternatively/in conjunction with my plans regarding the return trip from Hiroshima-Tokyo, I am allured by the quaint mountain towns along the Nakasendo trail*. I am not looking to hike the entire thing, but [one Redditor]( walked from Magome to Tsumago, and took public transportation back to Kiso. This sounds great to me too, and I would love to fit it into the itinerary if possible.

*Quite frankly I am allured by quaint mountain towns generally so if you have any suggestions please let me know.

EDIT: After some more reading/YouTube I think the Nakasendo route is something I want to do for sure. I intend to take transit to Magome, probably spend the night there, and do the Mogome-Tsumago route and take transit to Kiso-Fukushima for the night. This would cut out Gifu.


Since this plan is fairly rough I am open to any criticisms/alternative suggestions. I also have totally ignored everywhere north of Tokyo, for what I figured was in the interest of time. Should I reconsider? Some of my interests and priorities:

-Big flashy cities

-Great restaurants (open to all kinds of foods), especially cheap ones

-Local delicacies


-Nature/hiking (especially mountains)

-Onsen ryokan is a must-do with great preference for remote open-air resorts. Currently looking at places like [here]( or [here]( or [here](,8&los=1&searchrequestid=c2c09518-17e6-42be-942f-78b40c23af9a). Another big plus for private in-room onsen.

-Shrines, temples, shinto/buddhist landmarks

-Urban design and lovely transport

-Traditional Japanese architecture

-Oddities, strange places, unconventional attractions

-Cool thrift stores

-Vending machines

Much appreciated!

EDIT: Forgot to mention I will be buying a JR rail pass so preference is given to places I can get to with that

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