Any fun Call and Response Ideas for young kids?

Hello I work for Benessere Bestudio and most of my students are around 3~6. Their vocabulary is of course very limited but they respond well to rhythm and games. The company’s default call and response is
T:“Are you ready?”
S:”Yes, we ARE!” with a jump at the end.

It’s fun enough but I would like to do something more snappy, possibly with a rhyme or some other catchy hook; ofc it needs to be easy for them to say too.

What is your experience with this? Do you use any? What works and doesn’t work for you?

  1. Are you talking about just using a call and response to get their attention? I use “1,2,3 eyes on me” (with claps on the numbers) and they say “1,2, eyes on you”. The kids clap and point at me and they seem to like it.

  2. “Eyes are watching, ears are listening, voices are quiet, bodies are still.” With hand motions. Might be difficult at first

  3. Many, many years ago when I started teaching, I had the good fortune to be mentored by a great teacher. The one critical factor that was emphasized over and over was to be laser focused on the end result—what is it that you want from what you are doing? So, in this instance, you have to determine what you want from changing the call and response—do you want to get their attention or do you want to make the call and response more fun for you? Only you can answer that. And, ages 3–6 is quite a developmental spread. 😉

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