Japanese pond owner breaks into tears after 3,000 fish die in robbery

Japanese pond owner breaks into tears after 3,000 fish die in robbery


  1. This is a shitty situation, but this:

    >Even if a fish is going to ultimately end up on a dinner plate, Japanese cultural values still hold that the animal’s life should be valued and treated with respect. This is, after all, a country where it’s customary to say Itadakimasu, or “I gratefully accept this,” before every meal, not only as thanks to the person who prepared it, but also to the plants and animals whose lives are about to nourish us.

    just perpetuates stupid Japan stereotypes. “Oh, Japanese people are so in touch with nature, they all thank the animals before eating them with this mystical phrase!”

  2. So many run-on sentences… quality writing here folks. Sucks that this happened though.

  3. Shitty situation, surprised there was no back up generator for that kind of operation

  4. I just came here for the inevitable “I know more about Japan culture than you” and the “America are just as kind” comments.

    Wasn’t disappointed.

  5. Seeing his reaction was heartbreaking. Even if it’s just fish to see a bunch of fresh corpses is awful.

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