Waiting on contact from base school

Hi all,

The Hyōgo prefectural BOE contacted me last week with the contract and said they would be asking my base school to get in contact with me in a couple of days.

If I haven’t heard anything by the end of next week – should I get in contact with the BOE?

I understand that ESID and that this can take a while but just wondering what people’s experiences/thoughts are on this?


  1. Schools are busy this time of year. Just hang tight someone will reach out when they have time.

  2. I’m a pref JET in a different pref, but didn’t hear from my pred/school until about 2 weeks from now a year ago.

  3. So, I’m going through the same thing. I’ve had my contract and welcome information from my prefecture BOE, but they are yet to give me the name of my schools and my living arrangements.

    However, my predecessor very kindly found me out as they wanted me to be in the loop. They have now told me everything I’m waiting for, informally and unconfirmed of course. But it was super helpful. They did also tell me that the BOE won’t be sending me official stuff until July time…

    Maybe try reaching out to your predecessor? Mine was possible through the prefecture JET Facebook page I had joined, otherwise I’m not sure they’d have found me!

  4. Upcoming hokkaido JET here, I haven’t even heard from my BOE yet so I think you’re probably fine.

  5. Here in Hyogo we are currently about to start final examinations, so teachers are all over the place either getting exam materials ready or making sure all grades are accounted for.

    The teacher that contacted me prior to my arrival to Hyogo is also the one responsible for a lot of other administrative stuff in the school. Beyond a brief email introducing himself, it took some time before I got to properly talk to them about school stuff.

    Do you know if you have a predecessor? In my case, they were the one that contacted me and helped me be a bit prepared prior to my arrival.

  6. One thing you should all be aware of:

    In Japan, the staff rotates jobs around the city/town/village/prefectural building fairly regularly, so getting everything prepared to send out and checked/approved by the people in charge can take some time. The BoE I work at is still working to get its letters out so don’t panic. Many, even simple seeming things, in Japan take time and lots of people signing off on.

    Edit for clarification:
    The rotation happens in April so there could be a new person in the ALT supervisor position that’s still trying to get their feet back under them.

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