Is it possible to switch from Softbank air to a Softbank Fiber wifi without any fees?

I just recently moved to Japan and I am currently staying in my parent’s house. I just found out about their wifi and decided to do some research on Softbank air and apparently, it is not a good option. So is it possible to switch to a fiber line.

  1. or if you guys have better network provider recommendations then feel free to tell me

  2. They probably have softbank air for a reason. Like unable to get anything else, are in a mansion/above 3rd floor, in a building not pre-wired for fiber and thus needing construction costs, etc. There are various reasons. You’d have to ask your parents why they picked Air.

    As for switching? Call Softbank and ask if they have some incentives for changing from Air to fiber. They might? Who knows.

    Punch in your address into NTT east or west website for service availability and see if something is available. If it is, read [the wiki]( and educate yourself about available options.

    You might also have some non-NTT offer available, like NURO, KDDI/au, or QTNet. You never said what location you’re in so not much else to recommend here.

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