Fukushima: China retaliates as Japan releases treated nuclear water

Fukushima: China retaliates as Japan releases treated nuclear water


  1. Well, if the Chinese don’t want Japanese goods, it is their choice but good luck making it stick permanently. It will hurt Chinese businesses as much as it will hurt Japanese businesses.

    With China’s domestic economy already in a shaky ground let’s see who will blink first.

  2. I don’t think it will have much impact. If you look at the value of exports to China, it is about 80 billion yen.

  3. >China’s customs office announced that an existing ban on seafood imports from Fukushima and some prefectures would be immediately extended to cover the whole of Japan to **”protect the health of Chinese consumers”**.

    This is adorable coming from China.

  4. >But critics say more studies need to be done and the release should be halted.

    It would be nice if they could suggest some potential studies that could convince them that it is not too dangerous.

    Because every single piece of research so far has suggested that this release will have a negligible effect.

  5. All countries should probably ban all food imports from China, if we are all of a sudden worrying about the health of citizens

  6. China has a lot bigger shit to worry about and I’m sure they forget about this in a week or two

  7. China been fishing illegally is Japanese Waters for over decades, and now with the release of the contaminated water, Chinese getting mad about it.

  8. Dear China: it’s uh, absolutely, 100% NOT safe in Japan for tourism either! Food is now, uh, radioactive! Safer to just stay in China!

  9. Yet the Chinese tourists continue with ever greater enthusiasm to visit Japan.
    I expect the angry, easily whipped up CCP clowns are a minority. This is clearly just to distract from the CCP’s own considerable shortcomings.

  10. It looks like a distraction from the real issues China is currently facing. Their real estate and property market is about to implode.

    Better to get their people to hate Japan, then have them riot against the government as they lose all of their investments in unfinished housing.

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