Traveling between Japan and overseas is still a high risk. [Japanese article]

Traveling between Japan and overseas is still a high risk. [Japanese article]

  1. To be honest, I have very little sympathy for Japanese people having difficulties on their overseas holidays while Japan continues to ban incoming tourism. But, I found this article interesting for it’s perspective from the Japanese side.

    Excerpts from Deepl translation:

    > While you can enjoy sightseeing without masks and enjoy the feeling of a vacation without the corona, you must also bear in mind the risk of not being able to return to your home country unless you obtain a negative certificate.

    > In the U.S., BA.5, one of the highly contagious strains of Omicron, is as widespread as in Japan, but there are no behavioral restrictions, including the wearing of masks, and negative proof by PCR testing is not required for those entering the country from abroad. Here in Los Angeles (LA), you may see people wearing masks indoors or in crowded places, but many people are already so unaware of the coronary infection that employees in restaurants and retail stores often do not wear masks, and if you go to a sports bar, it is crowded with loud and excited people Crowded places are crowded, and even at concerts, baseball stadiums, and other large event venues, only a minority of people wear masks. As long as you spend time in such an environment, the risk of infection naturally increases.

    It’s interesting that the author seems to caution the reader and entirely blame the high chance of catching COVID in the US on the lack of mask-wearing there, and lack of testing requirements, however without mentioning that Japan has a higher rate of COVID infection at the moment despite the ubiquitous masking. Logic would suggest that the masking, or lack-of, between the two countries is not making much difference. More simply, it’s a highly infectious virus that you can easily catch in both countries no matter what precautions you might take.

    However, I found it interesting that the masking issue seems to be a BIG issue from the Japanese perspective (well, at least for the author of this article), and probably goes some way to explain why so many of them don’t want foreign tourists coming to Japan.

  2. No need to be an adventurous traveller to catch Covid – you can do this right here easily.

  3. Why does every article published here about the pandemic seem like they’re patting themselves on the back?

  4. I’m currently on holiday in Australia to visit my family for the first time in 4 years. Even though I’ve been diligently wearing my mask and washing my hands, people here are acting like corona is over, so I’m anxious about getting sick. Especially when you’re 5 times as likely to catch it here. Taking my PCR test tomorrow to get the negative certificate to go home. Going to be totally fucked if it’s positive. Haaa

  5. Bro when can I visit Japan? It’s ridiculous, Korea is already moving on from COVID and so is the rest of the world.

  6. What a hypocritical circlejerk. Japan has the highest Covid-Infection-Numbers in the developed world right now, despite it’s harsh border lockdown. You’re currently more likely to catch covid in Japan than abroad. It’s also unbelievable that the author seems to be surprised by the realization that **even** Japanese People can bring Covid into the country when returning from abroad.

    Despite all of this, it doesn’t seem like anyone in Japan, especially not the elder generation, ^(of which they claim it needs special protection from getting sick,) have any plans to stop going on trips abroad any time soon. When I recently visited the Rhine-Valley in Germany, everything was full of elderly japanese Tourists, having a blast. I would love to see some numbers on this.

    It’s honestly stunning to see how much BS the japanese gov’t is able to get away with on the world stage. Just open the damn border ffs, I miss my friends in Japan.

  7. It’s time for Japan to open up and accept that its people are not less likely to get the virus than anyone else. We are all human, and it’s astonishing that they choose to call America out like this.

    I understand the wariness, but that started getting less and less reality based as time went on. Open up, let us in, because I for one am coming back to Japan whether Japan likes it or not.

  8. This entire Japan blocking out tourism while they enjoy visa free travel situation is highly unusual.

  9. Just sounds like a normal Japanese article on Covid.

    I was just watching the news earlier, and they were talking about corona in Hawaii. Ridiculous how easily they paint others out to be wrong.

    I wish they would 頭の上のハエを追え

  10. So dumb. I’ve been seeing foreign Japanese people come and go in my country for the past 2+ years.

    I blame Logan Paul.

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