PR application two worry points

I am gathering my PR application papers and planning to apply through deemed HSP (80points) since last 1 year route, Two things that are not so positive as far as i have gathered till now is,

1) I have two minor traffic offences (wrong U-turn and another wrong stopping) one last year and another this year.

2) I had some missed payments National pension payments (more than 5 years ago) while last more than 5 years i have clean history as under Employee’s pension program. The missed payments 5 years ago still shows up in the Nenkin net print.

While for 2) the resources i have read online points that they look at 2-3 years of history so i should be good there while for the traffic offence i am not sure as the responses are mixed. Anybody in similar situation like this and know how this is looked upon?

Also should i mention about the offence expressively on my reason for PR or i can skip it? I am sure they have all the records they can look at to verify it. Isn’t it?

  1. For #2 yes I think they only look back at 2 years history. But since the missed payment got printed out, it would be prudent to attach an explanation letter on why you missed it, just in case. My friend got this advice from immigration officers themself when he has a couple unpayed pension during his student period years before, and it showed on the printed record.

    For #1, that’s a bit harder to assess. Was the offence happened under 5 years? Did you get red/blue/white ticket? If it’s only a light offence, you still have a chance, but still nobody can guarantee that. I’ve heard lawyer go so far advising you NOT to drive at all while the PR application is ongoing. So yeah, it doesn’t reflect good if you have traffic offence.

  2. Just a data point for #2: I had similar situation, haven’t attached any explanation letter and just submitted the statement from the pension office (decided not to use nenkin-net for some reason). Got PR.

    It’s not clear cut however when they decide to look beyond 2-3 years, so YMMV.

  3. For a datapoint about #1, I had two pretty recent traffic offences when I got PR through points. One was person in the back seat without a seatbelt and one was looking at my phone while driving. I got PR no problem.

  4. Unrelated but would you happen to know if transportation reimbursement is supposed to be included in total salary from the company? My boss is saying it is now that I’m getting less per month because earlier in the year it wasn’t as far as my math is concerned.

    If it is, my question is I am supposed to report that amount on my tax return as salary but under transportation expenses which is also non taxable so I get a bigger refund?

    Is this the norm in Japan? Thanks

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