I feel a bit silly asking this, but I’ve been so curious!
In almost every Japan-related content I see on social media, I see graphics that has [this particular art style](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fthumbnail.imgbin.com%2F1%2F12%2F10%2Fimgbin-salaryman-badan-usaha-sole-proprietorship-organization-flight-M3TSXjVjrwL4PB5XTyv6Ri6L7_t.jpg&tbnid=CkwgYW2d5RajpM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimgbin.com%2Ffree-png%2Fsalaryman&docid=Up4J4WOwo5uaVM&w=310&h=308&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm5%2F2). I was only able to see that search result by chance..
What are they called? Where are they from? Do these characters have names? If I ever want to search up more photos in the same art style, what keywords should I use?
Thank you!
They are from a website called [Irasutoya](https://www.irasutoya.com/). The graphics are all drawn by Mifune Takashi, the founder of the website.
Also for more info:
They’re from https://www.irasutoya.com/
Free illustrations for pretty much any situation you can think of. Don’t know if it’s all one artist but they are certainly prolific
Here’s a video about this clip art.
This was fasinating! Thanks for asking this question I learned so much.
Thanks for asking this question. And thanks to all those who answered. It’s something I have casually wondered about for a long time, but I never figured out how to go about finding information on these ubiquitous drawings… what a nugget of knowledge!
The Japanese version of the western [GloboHomo corporate artstyle.](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2029747-corporate-art-style)
I love irasutoya. As an ALT i made countless worksheets, picture cards, and slideshows with various arrangements and combinations of the illustrations. Butchering them to demonstrate the actual meaning of the grammatical errors my students were making was always a hit too.
Just browsing the website is entertaining – you’ll find the most random and hilarious situations that they’ve drawn for some damn reason.