Semester Exchange starting soon, but I am a bit scared

Hey, I have a Semester exchange with Kyushu University starting soon and I will be heading over to Japan in a few weeks. But to be completely honest, I am quite scared and unsure about actually doing this. I’m worried about being away from my family for 5 or so months and also about how I will be a foreigner in Japan with only a very low understanding of the language. I am naturally fairly introverted so I can very easily see myself just spending a lot of the time in the dorm in my room, which obviously isn’t good. I have seriously been considering for awhile to just drop the whole thing and stay home but I just don’t know! I really need advice or to hear from people who have these same feelings and have done it anyway or similar.

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    **Semester Exchange starting soon, but I am a bit scared**

    Hey, I have a Semester exchange with Kyushu University starting soon and I will be heading over to Japan in a few weeks. But to be completely honest, I am quite scared and unsure about actually doing this. I’m worried about being away from my family for 5 or so months and also about how I will be a foreigner in Japan with only a very low understanding of the language. I am naturally fairly introverted so I can very easily see myself just spending a lot of the time in the dorm in my room, which obviously isn’t good. I have seriously been considering for awhile to just drop the whole thing and stay home but I just don’t know! I really need advice or to hear from people who have these same feelings and have done it anyway or similar.

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  2. It’s natural to be a bit scared when moving into new and unfamiliar surroundings. Just remind yourself that you’re going with a whole group of people in a similar situation, and you’ll be taken care of by a group of professionals who have done this many times.

    You’ll have a great time and it will be all over before you realize it.

    Enjoy your journey!

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