Is the CLAIR Japanese language course compulsory?

I’m learning Japanese on my own. Still very much a beginner, for sure, but I’ve gotten my own textbooks, workbooks and other materials. Got an email saying that the language course would be a part of the post-arrival orientation. So… does that mean it’s mandatory to sign up?

  1. It’s recommended. To opt out, you have to give them a reason why you won’t be taking it. There is no repercussions to not finishing it; you’ll just get an annoying reminder email every few weeks.

  2. It’s optional. I don’t know anyone who actually finished it. Same with the BOATS course you’ll hear about at some point.

    I got most of the way through it but it’s just not a well-organized course. I just stopped at some point and never continued it. Never heard a word about it from my BOE or my schools and has not affected my job at all 🤷🏻‍♀️

  3. IF you sign up for you it you have to complete it as it costs your BOE some money and they’ll get kinda pissed if you don’t. But you aren’t required to sign up for it so if you feel fine studying on your own, no need to do so.

  4. Are there instructors? I signed up, but there was like no info, just kinda on a whim. I’m not sure if I even put myself in the right level.

  5. The CLAIR course is…pretty bad. I think you’d get more use out of Bunpro following a textbook like Genki or Tobira if you’re a beginner/intermediate. I admittedly stopped halfway through. It just became a waste of studying time tbh.

  6. Not as of two years ago. It’s also pretty terrible, literally any other textbook on the market is better.

    Check your local international centre when you arrive, sometimes they can have pretty inexpensive language classes for foreign nationals. I pay 300 yen for a 2hr class, with a 15min break with snacks and drinks included. I’m one of two students in my level, so it’s an absolute steal.

    For quality of life, start Wanikani if you don’t know many kanji yet. It feels really empowering in that early part of your time in Japan to start recognizing the kanji around you.

  7. It’s not compulsory but it does cost your BOE money, so if you don’t intend on finishing it tell them beforehand so they don’t waste money on signing you up. Side note; I found the course to be awful and have since found way better ways to study.

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