How would you describe HUB to someone who’s never been?

I’d describe it as a “British themed alcohol chain restaurant”.

Curious to see what others come up with.

  1. A shittier version of Wetherspoons with more of a “meat market” atmosphere?

  2. “If Mos Eisley cosplayed as a UK pub and instead of laser guns they used antibiotic-resistant syphilis and Greedo was a 38 year old woman”

  3. An approximation of a British pub which on any given night is 2/3 full of Japanese salarymen and 1/3 full of foreigners.

  4. Never really got the whole Hub meme, the ones I’ve been to are just boring cookie-cutter pubs full of sarariman and chubby gaijin eating shitty fish and chips and overpaying for Guiness.

  5. What is the HUB?

    HUB [hʌb] = Hub
    the center of a wheel.
    It changed to a place where people gather.

    Businessmen who have finished their work gather. With beer in one hand, fish and chips as snacks.
    Shall we have Guinness for the second drink? Shall we have a hub ale?
    The night of chatting, listening to music,
    and spending time with like-minded friends passes quickly.
    A place where people of different ages,
    occupations and genders can gather freely
    and return to their original selves in their own ways.
    That’s the British-style PUB HUB (hub).


    ### Corporate Philosophy

    In order to popularize the British PUB culture in Japan
    Inspiring Customers through British-style PUB
    Expand “Impressive Culture Creation Project”

  6. In It’s basic form, it’s a pseudo-British themed pub/bar. You will here all kinds of tall tales regarding the place, as if it was some back alley joint in Tijuana. Maybe there was more truth to this in years past, but I’ve been to many Hubs many a time, and this is RARELY the case.

  7. Essentially just a Japanese bar with British-style decor, without cover charges, where you order and pay at the bar on a per-drink/food item basis.

    There’s nothing else British about it, really. The staff are 99% Japanese, the drinks are 99% what you’d get at any other Japanese bar, except for Guinness and a few others (730 yen for a Heineken bottle is hilarious, who the hell is buying that).

    Then again, there’s nothing inherently bad about HUB. Once you’ve been to a HUB, you know what to expect at every other HUB, which makes it a convenient option beyond the likes of Torikizoku when you’re out and don’t have any plans for where to go for a drink and a bit of food.

  8. A corporate Japanese version of a pub.

    For me it’s an easy place to find to watch live sports when I’m travelling in the big cities (I live very rural). I can guarantee a certain experience as it can be hit or miss in some other independent places. Baseball crowds are pretty cool as it is easier to interact with other patrons. Doesn’t seem to happen with football/soccer, which is what I mainly watch.

    Have only been to one particular Hub where it was a bit of a pick-up place. Otherwise I have found it is almost exclusively Japanese people. Food and drink is nothing to write home about. It is what it is.

  9. I call it “a place that conveniently gathers all of the people I’m happy to avoid”
    “a cesspool of desperation”

  10. Like British pub if it was clean, had furniture that was taken care of and didn’t have terrible food and the same fruit (meaning slot) machine they’ve had since 1983.

  11. It’s the Japanized Disney version of a British pub.

    Disclaimer: I’m not sure whether I’ve actually been in a Hub, or not. We had a liquid lunch and “fish & chips” that were cooked in a microwave oven when I worked in Shimbashi once; but it might have been a different brand of pub; it was quite a long time ago.

  12. Plenty of HUBs outside of busier areas are actually decent enough. The beer is only mildly watered down, they offer cheap cocktails for those who don’t drink beer and microwaved approximations of British food.

    It fits well for groups who just want a couple of drinks together while having a chat and don’t want to split the bill, just like a standard UK pub.

  13. “Imagine going down your local but not having to worry about being glassed”.

  14. It’s where you go if you a) want to get a beer at British-seeming pub in Japan and b) want to meet older white European and American guys with generally poor social skills but good jobs, who are either there with their uncomfortably young girlfriends, or who are there in hopes of meeting such a woman.

  15. The McDonalds of British Pub experience.

    People complain about about but the HUB but after visiting almost 50% of the HUBs in Japan, I can say they are wildly different. Some are deathly quit and some are noisy as hell. It just depend on the quality of the customers of that particular HUB.

  16. You nailed it. Only thing I’d add is that the Gaijin Sphere likes to talk about it like it’s a sex-fest, but the small neighborhood ones are pretty chill/boring, depending on what you’re into.

    On the whole less debauched than Ikkyu, slightly better food, slightly fewer cockroaches.

  17. Foreigners who can’t get laid elsewhere or who have burned their bridges at other bars gather there.

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