How to input the character ん when using Samsung Japanese keyboard

I’ve started learning Japanese recently and have an Android phone, so am using Samsung Japanese keyboard. I’ve mostly figured out how it works but I still can’t figure out how to input the character in the title (in this instance copied and pasted in) which is very frustrating as it makes it a lot slower to look up any word containing it. If someone could tell me what combination of Latin characters correspond to it on this keyboard (as it’s obviously not “n” by itself) it would be a massive help. Thanks!

  1. Type n twice in a row and it should work. Ex. “nn” will turn into ん。Hope this helped 🙂

  2. Others have given you the answer, so I’ll just go ahead and recommend switching to the swipe keyboard, if for no other reason than to do a bit more “thinking in Japanese” and building deeper familiarity with kana. Yeah, it take a little time to get used to, but once you do it’s a breeze.

  3. yeah, definitely get used to using the tenkey kana layout as it helps you understand kana ordering (japanese “alphabetization”).
    also, it makes it much less likely for u to input completely word-altering typos.
    input speed is also way higher. i unfortunately learned with romaji input and it’s a pain for me to switch over now. if you’re just starting out, go for tenkey input.

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