Oct 29th to Nov 2nd Tokyo Itinerary Check

Hi guys! This page has been a big help for me in organising my trip. Hoping I could get some feedback on my Tokyo to-do (Is it too packed? Should I add more in?).

I’ll be in Japan for three weeks Oct 29th to Nov 20th and have just finished planing my ‘first leg’ of Tokyo. (I’ll be going back to Tokyo at the end of my trip; 16th Nov to 20th Nov) – so this itinerary is just focused on the first ‘five’ days I’m there.

I love nature, walking/hiking, animals (birds!!) food (definitely a picky eater tho) anime/manga and shopping (but not too much – maybe two hours before I tire!). Very keen on trying to not plan too much but I am still someone who needs to at least have some sort of structure so I’m not walking around aimlessly/missing things.

I arrive in Haneda on Oct 29th at 6PM. This day isn’t very much a day at all but thought I’d mention it. Head straight to hotel (located Shinjuku) once done at the airport. Fortunately for me, I’m from Australia so our time zones are pretty close. Won’t be dealing with jet lag – just tiredness.

Oct 30th – Shibuya, Harajuku and Shinjuku

Want to mostly focus on walking around, no time constraints so all I have is:

Shibuya in the morning
– Shibuya scramble
– Shibuya Parco (want to visit the Nintendo store, JUMP store and the rooftop garden)
– Tower records (my 16 year old self would never forgive her older self if she didn’t check this out)

Find lunch either in Shibuya or Harajuku
Head to Harajuku once done in Shibuya
– Takeshita street (I’ve seen the controversy on this street but it’s my first time in Japan so I must check it out)
– Cat street
– Tokyu Plaza
– Laforet

Plan to spend the evening in Shinjuku for dinner since it’s close to my accommodation too
– Try catch a sunset or nighttime view at the metropolitan government building (also note; I’m going to Shibuya Sky at the end of my trip)
– Golden Gai
– Omoide Yokocho

Open to any suggestions, places to eat, things to see etc. I still am capable of coming back to these locations since I’m staying nearby/have the end of my trip to work with too. Also will be visiting the gardens/parks/shrines in these areas at the end of my trip for a better chance at seeing the autumn coloured leaves.

31st Oct – Gotokuji/Shimokitazawa

– Gotokuji Temple in the morning; explore area until closer to mid morning to which I’ll make my way to
– Shirohiges Cream Puff Factory! A must try for me, will be aiming for opening time.
Then walk to
– Shimokitazawa; no plan here, just gonna check out the neighbourhood, get lunch

Pretty much have the whole day to spend in these areas until I have to be back in Shinjuku for a 7PM bar hoping tour! (Or rest at hotel before tour). Hopefully I can make friends and head out to see what happens on Halloween?

1st Nov – Ueno, Akihabara and Asakusa

– Slow morning for potential previous late night, want to visit Ueno park and Shinobazu Pond. I love being outdoors in nature so super content just to stroll around this area.
– Was considering the Tokyo National Museum, just not sure how long it takes?

I will then head to Akihabara to walk around
– Animate, Electric town, super potato, gachapon hall etc (I’m not dedicated enough to see every store there is and I get tired really quick of shopping so probably won’t last long here lol)

After I’ve had my fill I’ll head to Asakusa
– Stroll along Sumida river/park
– Hoppy street
– Asakusa Yokocho
– Senso-ji (planing an evening/night visit for those stunning ambient lights)

And maybe silly (advice welcome) but I really want to see Akihabara at night for those amazing light up signs so I was planing on heading back there for a short while to see the sights at night! Worth it? I do love karaoke too so maybe there is somewhere I could do that in Akihabara to make the stop again worthwhile.

2nd Nov – half day in Akasaka before I travel to Kyoto
– Hie Shrine
– Toyokawa Inari Betsuin
– Nogi-jinja Shrine
– Hikawa Shrine
– Hinokicho park

Please let me know which shrines are a must visit or a definite waste of time! Any other suggestions in Akasaka that isn’t shopping?

That’s all for the first half of my Tokyo itinerary! Please be brutally honest with me and tell me if I’ve got too much going on!
(Also yes, I’ll be hitting other locations in Tokyo later in my trip so just inform me of things in my current locations! Thank you!!!! You guys are all amazing!)

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