Does the company you work for needs to know about your PR application?

I’m in the process of applying for PR. First, I obtained my working visa through the company I work for, and they used an immigration agency. I wanted yo use the same agency to apply for PR, and wrote to them a private email consulting them about their services. However, they replied CC’ing my company as well. Not sure if this is normal or if this will affect my work.

Does anyone have a similar experience or recommendations?

Thank you

  1. Your company is going to have to provide documentation for the application so yes, they need to know.

  2. Not sure if you specifically have to tell them you’re applying.

    But if approved you 100% need to tell them once you have PR in hand because they need to update the SOR they have on file for you.

  3. You don’t need to cc the company. They are just doing it as it’ll be quicker asking for the documents. Lazy CC practise. Just tell the agency so not CC the company. Email them directly if documents are needed. They are working for you. But do tell your company you are applying. That’s just good manners. They will neee to provide stamped copies of financial statements etc.

  4. The company doesn’t need to know about the application. They need to know about the change in visa status if it’s approved.

  5. Never told company until my status changed.

    Any documentation required for my application was requested and received without telling them “why” I wanted it. All required information that my company had to provide for the PR package is “my” information that that can be requested at any time for any reason.

    That said, I would have had no issue telling them I was applying for PR either and I would have told them if anyone asked me about it

  6. You need to tell them when your SOR changes. They are required to ensure that you can legally work for them.

    Beyond that, your SOR is your responsibility to maintain.

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