Chances at working with canines, not speaking japanese (yet)


I’ve moved to Japan for the first time in June because of my spouses job. We will be staying here for at least 1 year, maybe longer. We are settling in quite nicely.
He makes enough to support both of us, but I’m a busy bee and would like to start working (parttime) too.
I have a bachelors in Graphic Design and and a bachelors in Animal Care which also translates to a licence as veterinary nurse.

In june i started language school 5 days, 20hs a week since i didn’t have any prior knowledge in japanese.

I’m improving every week, but ofcourse not nearly enough to be able to speak Japanese soon, even on conversational level. However, I still would like to start working, preferably with dogs/animals.
I also got my certificate as Canine Training Instructor last year, so I’m broadly experienced to work with dogs in different aspects.

Can anyone tell me if there is a possibility for me to start working here, even if its just as intern or voluntary? Are there clinics, shelters or training schools where they can also speak English?
Or is there a ask for English dog trainers or dog sitters/walkers?

I’ve been googling but haven’t found anything substantial and due to my lack of Japanese and knowledge of the area its been hard to know where to look. I don’t have any social connections here either yet.

If someone has any info or tips for me, that would be greatly appreciated 🙂
We live between Chiba City and Tokyo, willing to commute 1.5 hours.

Thanks in advance!

  1. Many Dogs in Japan need Training and Education, there are a few professional Schools for Dogs and Humans mostly at the Tourist Spots.

    You should make Business Cards and look around for People who get pulled by their Dogs.

    Look at/ for “Dog Runs”.

    Provide your License Number and don’t be scared (language)

    Start local!

  2. Which visa are you under, a dependent visa? Just have to be mindful of the hours to work.

    But if you’re in a place with lots of English speaking foreigners I’m willing to bet there is a good market for dog walkers/trainers. If your classes are in the morning you could offer to do afternoon/evening walking or training for busy working folk.

    Definitely do what /U/Setagaya-Observer said and visit dog parks with your business card!

    But if you’re looking to improve your Japanese you could find a local Vet that advertises they have English speaking staff and ask if you can volunteer to start with. You can start to use your Japanese but have English back up.

    Good luck! I think you’ll do well!

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