Change in status of residence

Hi let me preface this by saying Im kind of stupid. Im a half japanese american living here on a work visa right now looking to switch to the japanese descendant visa. (I wouldve applied for that one originally but I had no idea it existed.) Anyways, I’m looking to change my visa type as my current visa expires on the 29th of November of this year. The problem is that I never registered for the pension and now I’m applying for a change in status of residence and I’m worried that they’re going to deny it because of that. Would they even check that? Should I just register now?? And also do you think there’s enough time to get my visa switched before november 29??

1 comment
  1. You have to show you’re paid up on pension and taxes to renew a visa. I doubt they wouldn’t check for change of status.

    First check with your employer if they’ve opened a pension account for you. Many employers automatically pay pension for employees from their monthly paycheck.

    If you really don’t have an account, go open one and pay all the backpay. Then consult with immigration about your visa.

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