You think this summer is hot? You’re right, Japan Meteorological Agency confirms this is the hottest summer in recorded history and 106 temperature records have been broken

You think this summer is hot? You’re right, Japan Meteorological Agency confirms this is the hottest summer in recorded history and 106 temperature records have been broken

  1. With global warming, it’s gonna be “the hottest summer in history” for all the coming summers from now on.

  2. I live in Tohoku and god damn summer has been brutal this year. And it’s not even over yet! Saw the forecast that the heat may continue on until late *October*.

    I was looking forward to autumn but now not even sure if we’ll have one.

  3. You remember going outside everyday for the past 3 months and thinking


    Turns out

    It actually was


    Thank you for this ‘news’

  4. Hokkaido is looking like a better solution long term. Might move there after the kids graduate. On average its about 10 degrees Celsius cooler there, all year round. Just checked and today is was 27c. And where I am now its 34c. Brutal.

    Also, no typhoons, pollen is way better than Kanto in feb/mar, less humid, fewer quakes too.

    Only down side is having to shovel snow every day.

  5. I went back to the UK for a few weeks where it was warm but max 27-28°. I’ve been back here a few weeks and the toll the heat takes on me and my quality of life is very noticeable.

  6. So glad I can work remote from home. I don’t know how construction workers manage but they have my respect.

  7. I just want this to be over already. I hate having my dog locked in a tiny room with aircon, rather than free reign of the house when I’m out. I don’t want to have to put aircon in my home office. If Autumn is going to be as short as Spring that is so depressing.

  8. I’ve visited Japan in summer on a few occasions but this time.. it’s energy sapping, relentless heat and my god I respect Japan, Japanese more than ever for coping with the intensity.

  9. Checking temperatur of Katsuura (of Chiba) had become my habit this summer. That place were almost alway like 28 when Yokohama is like 34 and crap like that.

  10. I am happy Sweden had one of the mildest summer in a long time.
    Hardly had to use the AC this summer.

    Meanwhile lots of EU was burning. Weird summer.

  11. My wife had been looking forward the spend the summer with her parents near Tokyo. Ended up rarely going out because it’s so hot and humid. I’m glad I stayed in the UK.

  12. Oddly enough this is the first summer I wasn’t completely dying. I guess I’ve finally adapted

  13. If it’s that hot, I’m hoping mangoes can grow nationwide so that they get cheaper.

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