Website where I can find good exercises ?


Currently studying N3/N2 grammar. I read a lot but it’s difficult to find good exercises. I came across this website about gachi and gimi ( and the exercises helped me much more than any explanation. Si I thought it would be better to find more of this… Do you know any website/book ? I know about the JLPT questions/answers type of book (I am currently studying the Shin Nihongo 500 N3 and it’s helping so much (if you know other similar books tell me)) but it’s one question about that grammar and then we go to something else. I think I would need several questions to fully understand and differenciate close grammar point.

Thank you !

1 comment
  1. > Do you know any website/book

    book: 新完全マスター N3/N2 (different books for grammar, kanji, vocab, listening, reading)

    website: bunpro

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