Is September cold or hot?

Since I’m new here in Japan. I have no idea about the temperature for September. I would like to ask people who have lived in Japan for so long if September is already cold or still considered hot.

Is it okay if I use spring clothes on September?

  1. In September, Chiba temperature average 27° (high) / 20° (low).

    Whether you are fine with spring clothes is up to you.

    If you only care about fashion, then September is still considered Summer (I think)

  2. Early September in Chiba? Probably not so different from August. Mid to late September is still hot, but not brutally so. October is when it starts to get more comfortable. Still warm though. Doesn’t get cool until November.

  3. Evenings become more tolerable as the month goes on but the humidity sticks around until about the third week of September. Once it is a bit drier, it significantly more pleasant to be out and about. My son’s birthday is the 23rd of September and it always seems a bit more like “autumn” right around then.

  4. I went to Fukuoka during mid-September a few years ago and it constantly felt sweaty despite temps average around 25C.

  5. The first thing you have to realize is that Japan has four seasons. This is very important, and unique among all countries. Once you understand that, you will have transcended simple questions about when is it hot or cold.

  6. September will be similar to August with slightly less oppressive heat and more typhoons

  7. Not really.
    It’s still hot. Not super hot but still hot.

    Early October might still hit 30c. It only gets chill around mid or late October unfortunately 🙁

  8. There is this thing where you can check what the average temperature is for your area in each month. It’s pretty handy. I think it was called Google.

  9. In Iwate there are already signs of autumn in the night air and by September I’m hoping it will be absolutely shivering damn “cold”. Traditionally end of Obon here was also the end of summer …and the dead return to..the dead places etc….

    Of course, in Tokyo, the end of Obon means summer is just getting started… the living also feel like they’re ready to ship off with the dead by the time summer finally finishes….

  10. In Tokyo September is hot. It will really cool down somewhere around October 5th-15th.

  11. September is the beginning of Autumn so it should start to get cold and the climate should become tolerable.

  12. > Is it okay if I use spring clothes on September?

    Where are you from and where in Japan are you living? Japan covers a lot of latitude, September in Hokkaido is not the same as September in Okinawa.

    What temperatures *you* are used to also plays a big role. If you’re from somewhere that gets legitimately *hot* (some parts of India, for example) you might find September to be quite cool. If you’re from northern Alaska you might find September is pretty damn hot.

  13. Here, let me google that for you 🙂

    In September, temperatures tend to be around 23ºC to 28ºC (73°F to 82°F) in the afternoon and drop to about 18ºC to 21ºC (64°F to 70°F) in the morning and at night

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