Hiring scene

**Residency**: India and Taiwan _(Taiwan Gold Card)_\
**Visa**: UAE and Japan 5 years multiple entries

I am living in Bangalore more than a decade. I quit my job three weeks ago. I was living out of India for 5 years in between for my work. I’ve 13 years of Corporate experience and taking a Travel break at this moment and actively looking for opportunities related to my skills.

These are skills under my belt.

– Network Engineer for 5+ years
– Infra Engineer 3 years
– Technical Project Manager 5+ years *(Cloud Migration and Security Compliance)*
– Data Center Design and Delivery 5+ years *(in APAC for one the Public Cloud Service Provider in the market)*
– Site Reliability 2 years

I relocated back to Bangalore six months ago, and joined a company as **IT Manager** and quit in six months, because I foresee no growth for my skills in this environment.

For the last couple of months I kept applying for roles related to my skills in LinkedIn and got zero response aka rejections from recruiters, though my skills and experience match.

I used to apply for roles in Naukri when I was in India during my early stage of careers. But I have not updated the Naukri profile while I was living out of India till today.

Fellow Techies and Tech Recruiters in Japan;

– May I ask how is the hiring scene is at this moment in Japan?
– Do recruiters actively use LinkedIn as the medium to source candidates or any other platform is the first choice?
– What are the red flags recruiters see when someone searching for jobs only in LinkedIn?
– What is your piece of advice, you would give that I am in correct course of action? or how do I need to take corrective actions _(if needed)_ in my job search?

1 comment
  1. > May I ask how is the hiring scene at this moment at Japan?
    I work in tech. It has certainly slowed down.

    > Do recruiters actively use LinkedIn as the medium to source candidates or any other platform is the first choice?

    No, I believe most use their internal databases, although some will look at linkedin.

    > What are the red flags recruiters see when someone searching for jobs only in LinkedIn?

    My “guess” is not listing Japanese skills. Also not residing here. Perhaps not explicitly having your visa status on Linkedin.

    >What is your piece of advice, you would give that I am in correct course of action? or how do I need to take corrective actions (if needed) in my job search?

    Reach out to a Japanese hiring agency and let them do the work for you.

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